
I’m So Happy You Are Here!

Are You Ready to Own Your Awesome?

Whether you need to re-energize your life, strategize bold moves in business, or level up on LinkedIn, THIS is the place to be!

Are you ready to reconnect to your higher purpose…

  • Take the BOLD action in life or business?
  • ELEVATE your brand and increase engagement on LinkedIn?
  • Reconnect to your higher self and get INSPIRED once again?

Then you’re in the RIGHT place!

That call for more led you here… so let’s do this!

Are you feeling less than FABULOUS these days?

I get it and I’ve been there! Knowing you’re made for more, yet not feeling that spark you need to take action and rock your life & biz! It’s exhausting, uninspiring, and leads to burnout, high levels of blah, and dull hair… no one wants that!


You CAN get that spark back and live the life you’re CALLED to!


I’m So Happy You’re Here!!!

Are You Ready to OWN YOUR AWESOME?

Whether you need to re-energize your life, strategize bold moves in business, or level up on LinkedIn. THIS is the place to be!

Are you ready to connect to your higher purpose..

  • Take the BOLD action in life or business?
  • ELEVATE your brand and increase lead gen on LinkedIn?
  • Reconnect to your higher self and get INSPIRED once again?

Then you’re in the RIGHT place!

That call for more led you here… so let’s do this!

Are you feeling less than FABULOUS these days?

I get it and I’ve been there! Knowing you’re made for more, yet not feeling that spark you need to take action and rock your life & biz! It’s exhausting, uninspiring, and leads to burnout, high levels of blah, and dull hair… no one wants that!


You CAN get that spark back and live the life you’re CALLED to!

Grab your copy TODAY!

Get ready to


Grab your copy TODAY!

Get ready to


3 Simple Steps to Move Your life Forward

Step 01.

Let's Talk

Book a private call so we can connect and find the best solution for your specific needs.


Step 02.

Personalized Support

Let's work together to achieve your goals by aligning personalized coaching, training, & accountability to your life!

Step 03.

Achieve Inspired Results

After working together, you’ll feel that inspired energy you’ve been missing and finally be back in the flow of your greatness!

3 Simple Steps to Move Your life Forward

Step 01.

Let's Talk

Book a private call so we can connect and find the best solution for your specific needs.


Step 02.

Personalized Support

Let's work together to achieve your goals by aligning personalized coaching, training, & accountability to your life!

Step 03.

Achieve Inspired Results

After working together, you’ll feel that inspired energy you’ve been missing and finally be back in the flow of your greatness!

“Say YES to yourself and the world will too!”
―Miranda VonFricken

Listen to the Own Your Awesome Podcast

Three Ways to Elevate your Life


Private Coaching

Is something missing (or a miss) in your life or business? Perhaps you’re lacking inspiration and can’t see a clear path to success. Are you ready to change all that?

Enter coaching! Private coaching will provide you with the positive, focused energy, personalized strategy, and collaborative environment you’ve been looking for!

Together we’ll:

  • Build a solid foundation for your mental, energetic, & spiritual life & biz
  • Create personalized strategies for bold action and massive life & biz elevation
  • Ensure long-term success with private accountability and lots of celebration!

“Working with Miranda as your coach will be the BEST decision you’ll make this year!”

 Say YES to yourself, today!


Private Coaching

Is something missing (or a miss) in your life or business? Perhaps you’re lacking inspiration and can’t see a clear path to success. Are you ready to change all that?

Enter coaching! Private coaching will provide you with the positive, focused energy, personalized strategy, and collaborative environment you’ve been looking for!

Together we’ll:

  • Build a solid foundation for your mental, energetic, & spiritual life & biz
  • Create personalized strategies for bold action and massive life & biz elevation
  • Ensure long-term success with private accountability and lots of celebration!

“Working with Miranda as your coach will be the BEST decision you’ll make this year!”

 Say YES to yourself, today!


LinkedIn Training & Strategy

Want to grow your personal brand and increase lead conversion on LinkedIn, just not sure how?

Whether your goals are personal or professional, you’ll achieve them faster on LinkedIn! Get found, create community, and convert smarter on the best platform going with one of the most sought out trainers! For profile optimization, growth strategy, and engagement look no further.


Grow your personal brand, sell faster, convert smarter!


LinkedIn Training & Strategy

Want to grow your personal brand and increase lead conversion on LinkedIn, just not sure how?

Whether your goals are personal or professional, you’ll achieve them faster on LinkedIn! Get found, create community, and convert smarter on the best platform going with one of the most sought out trainers! For profile optimization, growth strategy, and engagement look no further.


Grow your personal brand, sell faster, convert smarter!


Speaking & Group Events

The American Institute of Stress reports workplace stress costs $300 billion in productivity loss annually.

Building a low-stress, high-inspired workplace creates a happier, healthier, and more productive environment that increases collaboration, retention, and profits!

INSPIRE Employee Excellence to Increase Organizational Results!

Miranda is a seasoned keynote speaker, lunch ‘n learn enthusiast, and creator of the Leadergy™ Mastermind for teams of all sizes.

Reach out to learn more or book your event!


Speaking & Group Events

The American Institute of Stress reports workplace stress costs $300 billion in productivity loss annually.

Building a low-stress, high-inspired workplace creates a happier, healthier, and more productive environment that increases collaboration, retention, and profits!

INSPIRE Employee Excellence to Increase Organizational Results!

Miranda is a seasoned keynote speaker, lunch ‘n learn enthusiast, and creator of the Leadergy Mastermind for teams of all sizes.

Reach out to learn more or book your event!

Get Inspired!

Let’s redefine hustle and increase results by working as your most authentic & awesome self!

Get Inspired!

Let’s redefine hustle and increase results by working as your most authentic & awesome self!

Raves and Reviews


Miranda is an excellent business coach! Working with Miranda, she helped me set up a manageable plan that works with my time frame and goals. I tend to go in too many different directions and Miranda helped me to focus and find my WHY. I highly recommend Miranda to anyone looking to set and accomplish goals in life or business.


I got my first paid client; I’m crying!! Thank you, Miranda! I’m so grateful that you’re in my life. Thank you for your guidance, support, and not accepting my excuses. Mastermind got me to know you and I treasure where that has led. Thank you.

laid off 9-5er turned full-time business owner
Country Communications

Miranda’s coaching is like the spark you need to jump-start your business. Her deep insights and ability to quickly see through all the clutter of running a company and give clear and concise feedback and coaching are her special expertise. And as a bonus, I learned all the ins and outs of growing your business on LinkedIn!

I highly recommend hiring Miranda if you are looking to grow your business!

Easy As Pie Design



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As a thank you for signing up, you will receive my FREE guide to Leveling Up on LinkedIn!



Speaker | Strategist | Coach

Time to inspire your hustle, Own Your Awesome, and get results!