Own Your Becoming – Episode 28

In this empowering journey of self-discovery, I dive deep into the essence of becoming – a process often overshadowed yet fundamental to achieving our highest self. Through laughter, heartfelt stories, and candid reflections, I explore the transformative power of embracing our becoming, beyond the milestones and achievements. It's about connecting with our future selves, those versions of us that have already achieved our dreams, and learning from them. Join me, Miranda, as I share insights from my own path of expansion, awakening, and the profound realization that love, in its many forms, is the ultimate goal. This isn't just my story; it's a call to action for anyone seeking to live a life aligned with their true purpose, filled with love, impact, and the joy of becoming who we are meant to be.
May 9, 2024
Miranda VonFricken
After 15 years in the corporate environment and one too many layoffs, this sassy & faith-filled ball of energy took her "show on the road" and created a life she once dreamed about! Becoming an entrepreneur wasn't something she imagined for herself, but God had other plans... so her side hustle of speaking, coaching, and motivating those around her became her full-time gig and she's never looking back.

Own Your Becoming – Episode 28


Hello, Hello! Welcome back to my little corner of the internet, where we dive into the intricacies of life, ambition, and becoming the best versions of ourselves. Today, I’m thrilled to share some reflections and revelations I’ve experienced over the last few weeks—insights that have profoundly shifted my perspective on growth, self-discovery, and the power of envisioning our higher selves.

For years, I’ve dedicated moments of introspection and prayer, creating a special space in my closet—my “prayer square.” Here, amidst the quiet, I’ve sought guidance, strength, and clarity, focusing on my yearly mantra. This year, “expand” has been my guiding light, leading me unexpectedly towards an awakening that has reshaped my understanding of personal evolution.

In these sessions, I’ve not only connected with my faith but also with a vision of my future self. This envisioned Miranda is everything I aspire to be: confident, accomplished, and radiant with the satisfaction of a life well-lived. Initially, this figure seemed almost fictional, a distant ideal. Yet, as I stand here today, I realize how much I’ve grown into that version of myself, a testament to the transformative power of belief and action.

Reflecting on this journey, I’ve recognized the essence of becoming. It’s not merely about reaching a destination or fulfilling a predefined purpose. It’s about embracing the journey, celebrating every step, and recognizing the significance of each phase of growth. This realization has been particularly poignant as I’ve contemplated the lives of loved ones lost too soon. Their journeys, though seemingly cut short, were complete in ways that transcended conventional measures of success. They embodied love, the ultimate manifestation of becoming.

This leads me to ponder the essence of our existence and the paths we choose. What drives us? What are our deepest callings, and how do we align our actions with these inner truths? I’ve come to understand that the journey is less about the specifics of our goals and more about the process of aligning with our innermost values and potential.

As I navigate this ongoing process of self-discovery, I invite you to join me in asking the fundamental questions that guide our paths: Why are we here? What impact are we meant to make? Who are we here to serve? And perhaps most importantly, how do we embrace the journey of becoming with open hearts and a spirit of trust?

Becoming is an active, dynamic process—a dance with destiny that requires patience, resilience, and an unwavering belief in our potential. It’s about releasing the need for control, embracing uncertainty, and trusting that each step forward brings us closer to our highest selves.

In this exploration of becoming, I’ve found joy in the unexpected, strength in vulnerability, and purpose in the pursuit of something greater than myself. I’ve learned to appreciate the beauty of the moment, the power of faith, and the endless possibilities that unfold when we dare to dream big.

So, as we move forward, let’s commit to owning our becoming. Let’s celebrate the journey, honor our growth, and remain open to the endless transformations that await. After all, the journey of becoming is not just about reaching a destination; it’s about discovering who we are meant to be along the way.

Thank you for walking this path with me. Here’s to the journey, the lessons, and the endless horizons that beckon. Until next time, keep shining, keep dreaming, and above all, keep becoming.


Hello. Hello. And welcome to another episode of the own your awesome podcast. I’m your host, Miranda Von Frickin. Today, I wanna talk about becoming. Becoming is something that I think we often overlook. And what I’ve experienced over the last 12 or so weeks has really opened my eyes to this version of higher self that I thought I was talking to for many years. So many times before the last few months, I would go into my prayer square in my closet, think war room, but I only have enough space for a square.

So it’s not the whole closet. I only have one closet in my bedroom, so I need that for my clothes and such. But I’ve carved out a space in my closet. It’s a square that people would put like me. It’s like a shelf, but it’s like a big square. I’ve carved out that space to go to war to pray. So it’s my prayer square. And I would go to the prayer square and pray, talk to my brothers, talk to God, look at my word for the year, which this year, it’s awaken.

Actually, it’s expand. Oh my gosh. It should totally have been awaken. That’s hilarious. My word is actually expand for the year. However, my expansion led to this awakening, so I ain’t mad at it. My word for the year is expand. And so I’ll look at the I frame it every single year.

I frame the word, and I look at pictures of my brothers, and I have a candle in there that I light. It’s got 2 little wicks. And so I’ll light it and I’ll I’ll pray. I’ll go to work. I’ll pray for me, my family, the situations that I find myself in, my clients, the world, my community. Like, I just I go to town. I go to work, and I sweat at the end. And so I would feel amazing after that.

Usually, like, full of energy and life and just just bouncing and surging. And then after that prayer, I would feel very connected to my higher self. I know it’s I’m speaking to God and the Holy Spirit in me is what’s really, like, fired up and it’s all like, bing bing bing. And so, part of me is like, alright. I’m gonna commune with the Holy Spirit. But part of me is like, I’m going to commune with the Holy Spirit inside of me to time travel to the future and talk to the one who’s already done all the things, and that’s my highest self. That’s my future self, really. I assume she’s the highest self because she’s in the future, and she’s already, like, been awakened, which it’s funny.

If I think now to the first few times I did that, I would envision a woman in, like, a black suit just kinda chilling somewhere, having cocktails, like, after a huge keynote. And she’s fabulous and she’s lean, and she’s in shape, and she just she’s just got the best posture. Like, this is what the highest version of brand. And sometimes I’ve actually caught her, like, riding the Peloton in my vision, and I’m like, girl, sorry you’re working out. Wanna chat. She’s like, it’s alright. I’m so I have such high cardio endurance. I can just keep talking while riding, and she’s fabulous.

And so I’ll talk to her. And so when I think back to those early days, it’s funny. I feel like I have slowly become that person I was connecting to. I think my today’s version in 2024 could talk to my 2020 version who would star who started back then and say to her, like, girl, you have no I’d actually, I think think I said to myself or I heard my highest version at one point say to myself, you have no idea what’s coming. Like, it it is so good. Just keep moving forward. And it’s funny that I’m just kind of like thinking of that now because I remember audibly hearing my inner voice say, it it’s happening. It’s happening.

It’s all for you. Just keep moving forward. Keep doing you, the little things. It will compound. It will add up and it will be good. And here I am, like, what I feel like as crazy as it sounds, I feel like it’s just the beginning of getting good, and I think I’ve even said that before on the show. I think episodes and episodes ago, I’ve said it. Something’s happening, and I feel like I’m at the beginning, at the cusp of something great.

And I feel like, by no means am I in the middle of it. I think it’s happening and I’m it’s just getting started. Like, I’m really starting to build momentum with my dreams, with the life I wanna build, with this reality, that this vision I have for myself. And the one thing I wanted to take time to honor is the becoming, not just the destination. Not yes. Of course. You know, there is that line something about, like, it’s not the destination. It’s 100% here for it, but I feel like meaning and impact sometimes gets lost in these old phrases that we just use so commonly.

And I’ve tried to take my interpretation of those meanings, or what they actually do mean of those sayings, and internalize it, and make it something so deep to myself that it actually makes an impact. So for me, it’s not just the dream or the end goal, or if you listen to last week’s podcast, it’s not just the $1,000,000 that I’m working towards or, you know, the book tours or signing autographs, like, I have on my vision board, like, pictures of me signing autographs at at bookstores. The it’s the becoming. The person who does that is actually the coolest piece. Like, the becoming deserves just as much, if not more, celebration and honoring than the the doing at the end. Because, let’s be honest, I know more than anyone that life is short, that I’ve experienced so much loss in my life. And when I give speeches at the end of these loved ones’ lives at their services, I often say, did they become and experience who they were meant to become? And most of them, we do we know? They were so young. I mean, I don’t wanna get into it all, but, like, my brother was 19.

My other brother was 21. Did they actually do what they were meant to do here? Well, in my speech, it was about them finding love. You know? Jack found the love of his life. Vinnie found the love of his life. They both had experiences with, you know, being awesome socially, going to college. Vinny graduated. Jack was too young, didn’t graduate yet. Vinny graduated, got his first job, like, like, I helped him negotiate the salary, like, it was awesome.

And so did he fulfill his becoming? Maybe. Maybe. But I think if anything, love is the ultimate becoming And whether it’s loving yourself, loving your life, loving another person, they had love. So I’m gonna say, yeah. Yep. I’m gonna say they they came here to love and make an impact on the world, and I think they both did that. Would it have been awesome for them to live another 50, 60 years? Hell, yeah. I can only imagine what these 2 boys would have done for this world had they still been in it.

But I also know, knowing what I know, that they’re not done. They’re not done. They’re just in a different stage of existence than we are, and we just we just can’t see it as easily as we saw it when they were here. So I know they did what they were supposed to do on earth, whether I fully understand it or not, and they’re continuing it out and helping us who are still here to continue our paths. Now my becoming with with knowing how short life can be, my becoming is also love. Right? Like, the highest love for myself, my husband, my family, my kiddos, like, even my pets. As crazy as my dogs are, I gotta love them both. So when you focus on love in the respect, in the regards of becoming, that’s the ultimate goal.

Right? Is becoming so awakened, so expand expanded, if you will, that love is the answer to every question you have. That isn’t even where I was gonna go with this episode, to be honest, but it just kinda what came out. So that’s what we’re going with because sometimes something takes over, and I just started talking about awesome stuff. So I wanna talk to you about your becoming. What is your ultimate calling in this life? What is your ultimate goal? Why are you here? There’s so many questions to ask. And the ones that I ask always when I coach women along their journey is, 1st and foremost, why are you here? Right? What why are you here? What is your impact you’re meant to make on this world? What is your mission? And what is your job slash role in order to fulfill that mission which will ultimately answer and fulfill why you’re here. We don’t have to know the how. I’ve learned that so many different ways, so many different angles in the last 12 or so weeks that releasing the how is the magic, is the faith, is the trust.

Becoming somebody who releases the hows and learns to trust and listen to that inner small voice within us, excuse me, is actually the how. That’s what happens when you don’t edit. You get the real me. So the becoming side of us and the process, not the hows, just the one step at a time gets you to answer those questions. And then the next question is, who do I serve? Who do I help? Who am I here to help and serve? And a little bonus is, who are the partners along the way that I can do that with? So if you’re taking notes, these 1, 2, 3, 4, 4 important questions with a bonus 5th. Write this down, people. If you’re driving, come back to it later. It’s at the 11 minute mark.

You can ask yourself these questions at the start of your journey to becoming. Why am I here? Essentially, why did God put me on this earth? What is my mission while I’m here? What is my job or role or duty? Not job title per se, but, like, not how do I do it, but how will I deliver this mission I’m on. Right? How will I conduct? Not so much like the steps. It could be, you know, my mission is to so for me specifically, my calling is always to help other women find their calling and express it in in a way that helps people to understand theirs as well. It’s just calling after calling after calling for me. And the way I do that is through coaching, through speaking, now through this podcast, whether I’m on stage, but now whether I’m writing a book or not, which is kind of cool. I get to add that to the mix. But for me, my voice was always my gift and that’s how I fulfill my calling is by using my voice.

So what is your role, your job, like, what is your what is your gift? And and if that’s, like, entrepreneurship and or if that’s, like, I have a 9 to 5, and and my gift is, you know, marketing. I’m really good at marketing. So cool. How can you use your role, your job, if you’re a 9 to 5 or if you’re no matter what you do, how can you use that to fulfill your mission and answer why are you here on earth and start to fulfill that as well. So question 1 was why am I here? 2 is what’s my mission? 3 is what do I do to fulfill that? Right? What’s my job? What’s my role? And then who do I serve? Who or who is my mission? Right? Like, so, for me, it’s mostly women or those who identify as women. For me, the who, sometimes I mean, the age doesn’t necessarily matter, but sometimes I’m fearing very call to, girls my daughter’s age, like, the early teenage years, you know, through, like, 25. Right? That early generation. Because if I can help them skip a few steps and like, I didn’t find who I was and what I wanted to be when I grew up until I was 27.

What I think is kinda late in the game, which I know now that I’m 40 3, had to think about that for a minute, is actually kinda early. Like, wow. That’s awesome. Like, 27, now it’s off to the races. But between 27 and 40, there was a lot of expanding, contrasting, holding back fear, a lot of junk. So I actually work a lot with women between 2740, maybe sometimes 50 depending, because those are the years I think we let shit get in our way. Right? We let the opposition come in, and sometimes we don’t even know it. There’s a whole episode on that.

I don’t remember the name of it, but it’s in here somewhere. So a lot of who I work with is is women at that age. Raised at age 27 to, like, 47, we’ll say. And then the bonus is who are the partners? Who are the people I partner with along the way in order to serve those people? And in my role, as achieving my mission or working on my mission and to really fulfill while I’m here. And so those partners, for me, would be other coaches, would be sometimes even corporations who hire me to come speak to their women, like, maybe the, like, the female affinity groups that they have. I think it’s really powerful when there’s other people out there, other entrepreneurs, co working spaces, other groups, like these are all partners, people that either hire me or partner with me to come in and to do the work I do to fulfill my mission to serve these women and to finding their higher calling, which for me is like full circle because I found mine, I’m gonna help you find yours. And then the how part, we really learn to release. Sure.

We’ve got some strategy. Like, strategy is actually my jam. I’m obsessed with it. I have all the strategy, but the biggest piece of strategy is releasing it. All of that was a part of my becoming. It’s becoming it was becoming who I am today that allowed me that showed me all of those answers to those questions. And so, today, I really felt called to honor that journey because if I were to die tomorrow, I could look at my life and say, you know what? It was pretty good. Like, alright.

I didn’t actually publish the book yet because it was a month early. You know, I didn’t get to walk my kid down the aisle or see her get married or any of that stuff that we want to do in life, but for me and my calling, I’m pretty good. Like, I know what it is. I’m living it out. And now, every day, I just get to expand on the living it out part. Not becoming more, but just expanding in a way that brings more light and more evidence to the work I do to help others live their calling, no matter what their calling is. If your calling is to save the trees, me helping you to pull that out of you is my calling and then you go and save the trees. So then look, I’m connected to saving the trees.

Like, it’s just a beautiful circle of life, if you will. And I just feel so blessed and honored to see that. And I didn’t see that until deep enough, real deep enough until the last few weeks of really diving into my spiritual journey, my faith journey. I mean, you’ve heard some of these podcasts. I’m obviously going through something. There is a breaking open and the light is shining through, And every once in a while, I I kinda level up spiritually, mentally a little bit more. And it it’s just it’s so cool, and I’m so honored. And I feel like I want to help you, or in this episode at the very least, talk to you about trusting who you’re becoming.

Owning the becoming that you are on your way to wherever your dream is, whatever your dream looks like, your vision for your life. It’s hard to see the becoming if you don’t have a vision. So that’s one thing I realized too. Sometimes, like, say I hit a goal, I often feel very, like, depleted after I hit a goal. Like, oh, man. What’s next? So and I just had this conversation with my husband. He is quick to achieve a goal. He wants something.

He’ll get it by, like, noon. You don’t even care. He’s like, oh, I wanna do this. Yep. Give me, like, give me, like, 10 minutes. I’ll be I’m a achieve this tomorrow. Very quick. He just, like, blinders on, does the thing, and it’s done.

And by, like, lunchtime, he’s like, well, now I’m bored. And I’m like, alright. Mine takes a little longer to make happen, but the thing is, if we don’t have something in front of us that we’re working towards, it’s harder for us to honor the working towards. Right? That’s the becoming. However, if you can say, even if I don’t know what my goal is today, I’m gonna work towards becoming the person who owns her awesome, like, very generic, very high level. I’m gonna be the person that owns my health, my fitness, the way I feel, own my energy. Right? So there’s even if you don’t have a specific goal, like, I wanna be a homeowner or I want a new job, like, if you don’t know, because you’re like, actually, I’m pretty good. Like, I’m I’m kinda happy.

Like, I’m not really working towards a goal. I’m just kind of, like, living life and happy. Does that mean that I can’t own my becoming? Nope. Not at all. You are it’s you’re not done. Right? Because you’re not dead. So and even even when you’re dead, I don’t think you’re done. However, like, if you’re still here on this earth, it doesn’t mean you’ve already fulfilled your calling and you can go.

It means if you fulfilled your calling and you’re doing what you set out to do, what’s the next level? Right? How can you expand a little on the happiness? Right? Like, so say you’re in the best shape of your life. You make exactly the right amount of money you wanna make. You’re driving the right car. Your house is perfect. Your kids are perfect. Like, what’s next for you? Whatever you want. Learn a hobby. Whatever.

Like, becoming the person that plays golf. I’m just saying, like, you just honor the becoming. Right? And if maybe you’re like, I I don’t want another girl. I’m super happy. So honoring who you became is kind of cool, actually. Like, the work you did to get to where you are, did you just bless and release it? Did you just forget how you had taken yourself from x, whatever it looked like 10, 15 years ago, to z, where you are today, super happy? So that that’s sometimes too. I’ll work with women who are like, I feel like there’s more. I don’t know what it is, but I’m actually really happy, so this may be a waste of my time.

And I’m like, well, it’s not because you’re here, so there’s something. So we’ll do a little deep dive, but what we’ll first do is honor where they’ve come from, right, in the past 10 or so years. Like, what is the work you’ve already done? What’s something that spark it gives you little tingles when you say, oh, yeah. You know what? Like, 7 years ago, I really overcame an abusive relationship or, you know, something really dark, like a toxic friendship, and just held me back. And I and I found a nice way to break out of that and to do me, and, like, I got away from it and everything got better. Cool. Let’s take a second to honor that. Like, let’s not just forget that who you what you had to do and who you had to become to break out of that and now be the awesome person you are today.

Like, that deserves some honoring. So if that’s you, honor where you were and where you are today, how you got there. Honor that becoming that you already went through. If you’re in the middle and you’re like, I just, I’ve got some goals. I don’t know what they are. That’s okay. That’s okay. You want to honor the life you’re currently living and then sit with yourself.

Pray, meditate, figure out some vision that you may have for yourself. And the one way the one nice way I do this is ask people, what have you been, like, longing for, is a good way of putting it. What is something you daydream about? Right? Like, when it’s quiet or you’re out for a walk or you’re just, like, in the car, like, is there something you daydream about? Whether it’s, you know, something crazy, like, doing a fitness competition and you’re like, what? I don’t even have any abs. Like, put the cheeseburger down. No. Just kidding. Just talking to myself. But is there something that you’ve been daydreaming about? And that could be your vision.

You may think, yeah. I think that’s cool, but I would never do that. Why? Why not? Why would you never do that? Let’s talk about becoming the person who does that. And then the 3rd type of person is the person who knows exactly where they’re going, and it’s just taking a lot longer, and there’s been a lot of detours. And you’re just not honoring who you’ve become in the process. And that’s where I feel like I am. I I said to myself, like, alright. Like, I am more awakened than ever, and I feel amazing.

But then I get these bouts of, like, little bit of boredom, a little bit of, did I lose my edge? Because, like, 2 or 3 weeks ago, I was like, whoo, like, crazy on it. Like, I was just, like, right there and it was it was amazing. And I feel like I start to, like, fade a little bit. It’s almost like a a dip in motivation, but not motivation. It’s like a dip in my vision. Like, it’s not as sharp, maybe. That’s probably a really good way to describe it. Not as sharp as it was.

So then I have to revisit maybe some old journal pages, talk to my girls, my mastermind girls, and be like, yo. Remember a couple weeks ago, I was, like, on fire, and now I’m not? Like, what happened? And we’ll just, like, remind ourselves, today, I did something huge. If you listened to to last week’s podcast, you would’ve heard my lottery story, how I won the lottery. It’s a whole thing. I actually recorded I don’t remember if I put this in the last episode, but I recorded about a 10 minute message prior to walking into the grocery store to confirm my lottery ticket winning, about what I was feeling, how amazing I felt, how I didn’t actually care if I’d decared. But if I didn’t I didn’t hold so tightly to winning, you know, $1,000,000 because I was so happy with where I was and the awakening. I have the the sight that I now have see that I have now, if you will. And so I relistened to that before I did this episode because I really wanted to remember and honor where I was so I can put myself back in that state.

Because, listen, like, life gets in the way. Right? Like, I got basketball practice. I’ve got work to do. I’ve got new clients I’m signing. Like, going through the edits of my books. Like, there’s a lot of to dos on my list, and, you know, I gotta cook dinner. It’s messy in the backyard, so I’ve got dirty floors. I gotta mop.

Like, there’s just things. You know? There’s life. And so sometimes we lose our edge or that spark a little bit because we’ve been, like, so busy lifing and we forget it. So sometimes we need to go back and revisit so we can remember that spark, remember how we felt. And for me, it was listening to that 10 minute boxer to myself of how I felt before I won the lottery, and it was just it sparked me, but it also made me honor who I was becoming. And and I’m still not done becoming. I didn’t just become and now I’m good. Check that box.

I’m becoming the person who is awake and sees everything, and there’s so so many levels to awakening. Right? Like, one level may be where you kinda have, like, an inkling of something. Right? You’re like, oh, yeah. I’m kinda part of I’m one with the world. It’s kinda cool. Like, I’ve got the Holy Spirit in me. I feel it. I got faith.

I feel it. And then the next step may be, actually, God’s working through me to make some really big things happen. And I’m a vessel and it’s just like, whoo, here we go. And then, like, maybe the next step is, like, actually, I am the light. Right? I am the light. I’m here to serve the world just like every other great person that had something fabulous happen through them. Pick a famous person. I mean, any famous, not just celebrity, but, like, big impact for human on this earth, Presidential could be a celebrity, could, you know, could journalist, like, movement, somebody who changed the world, like, big people.

Think about they had that special spark in them. Guess what? So do we. So do we. It’s just they used it. They tapped into it. They understood what it was like to become one with that spark, And that’s what becoming is. That’s where I am. I am becoming one with that spark, that life, that source that’s in me, and shining it out into the world.

And that’s what I mean by owning our becoming. No matter what stage you’re at, no matter what question you haven’t answered yet, you are a part of that light. That light is a part of you. You’re not just gonna, you know, become something awesome by not tapping into it. You are becoming someone who is awaken, who sees, who hears, who feels, who can smell, taste, touch every part of that light. Do you feel it? I know it’s in there, and every time you feel it, you need to honor it. You need to think it. You need to take a moment, sit with it, lean into it, document it, if you must.

If you’re like me and get amnesia every 5 minutes, document it, and then every once in a while go back and reread what you wrote, or relisten to what you said. Like, I love the recording in Voxer so I can feel my energy when I’m speaking it. The journal’s great because I can, like, read the words, but it’s there’s something different about seeing my face or hearing my voice when I’m in the moment. You are becoming. You are becoming the person that lives out her calling. You’re becoming the person every single day. Even if you’re already living your calling, you’re becoming the person that helps others to live out their calling. You’re becoming the person no matter what your occupation is, you’re becoming the person that is a part of the greater design.

How are you living that out? Is it to its fullest? Do you feel it? And are you owning this journey that you’re on? Are you owning your becoming? I wanna hear all about it. Send me a DM on Insta. I’m Miranda dot von Frickin. Message me on LinkedIn. Send me an email through my website, mirandavonfrickin.com. I wanna hear about your becoming. I think I said this last week. I’m gonna start making lists of those people who are owning their awesome, and owning your becoming is one of them.

And I will have you on my podcast. I will have you on LinkedIn live. I wanna celebrate with you. I wanna share your story with the world, with my network, in order to help them do the same. So if you’re loving and feeling what I’m putting down, friends, of course, give me that 5 star review. Do all the things that we need to do so I can spread the word. Leave me an awesome review here wherever you’re listening to the podcasts. And then follow me on Insta and LinkedIn, and let’s have a conversation.

Let’s keep this talk going because it’s so important, it’s so valuable, and it just feels fucking amazing. Alright, friends. Thank you so much for joining me on another episode of the Own Your Awesome podcast. I’m Miranda Von Frickin. Thank you so much for being a part of this, and until next time, continue being awesome.

Miranda VonFricken
After 15 years in the corporate environment and one too many layoffs, this sassy & faith-filled ball of energy took her "show on the road" and created a life she once dreamed about! Becoming an entrepreneur wasn't something she imagined for herself, but God had other plans... so her side hustle of speaking, coaching, and motivating those around her became her full-time gig and she's never looking back.
Miranda VonFricken