New Level Activated! – Episode 19
In this episode of Own Your Awesome with Miranda VonFricken, get ready for a powerful dose of inspiration as Miranda shares her personal journey of seizing opportunities and activating her "next level." From pushing through fear and self-doubt to attending…

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In the latest episode of “Miranda,” host Miranda Von Fricken dives into the transformative power of stepping into new levels of personal and professional growth by embracing opportunities and combating self-doubt. Miranda passionately encourages her listeners to get out of their comfort zones, confront fears, and take bold actions towards achieving their dreams. Here, we’ll explore the essential steps to activate your next level, inspired by Miranda’s own experiences.

Embrace Opportunities for Growth

Miranda opens the episode by pushing her audience to say yes to opportunities that could lead to their personal or professional growth. Whether it’s asking for a promotion at work or launching a personal project like writing a book, each small step can make a huge difference. Miranda emphasizes the importance of taking action—a theme that resonates throughout her discussion.

“If you’re waiting for a sign, this is it! Ask for that raise, update your resume, attend that networking event,” Miranda urges. “Each of these actions is a step toward your next level.”

Confronting Fear and Self-Doubt

One of the significant barriers to personal growth is fear and self-doubt. Miranda shares her experiences of pushing through these barriers to show her listeners that they are not alone. She recounts her emotions before attending the She Leads Media conference in Manhattan—dealing with nerves, self-doubt, and the fear of not fitting in.

“I was nervous, doubting whether I belonged in that room, especially after a break to grieve the loss of my brother,” Miranda shares. “But those fears didn’t stop me; I went, and it was empowering.”

Miranda’s candid vulnerability encourages listeners to confront their fears and not let self-doubt prevent them from seizing transformative opportunities.

The Power of Physical Presence

This episode revisits the theme of “getting in the room,” a concept Miranda delved into in an earlier episode. She stresses how being physically present at events or gatherings can significantly elevate one’s professional and personal circles. Her experience at the She Leads Media conference underlines this point. She describes the inspiring interactions with successful women and the panoramic penthouse views that made her feel that she was truly in the right place to activate her next level.

“Being physically in the room where opportunities are born can set you on a path you never imagined,” Miranda notes.

Setting Intentions and Goals

Miranda also touches upon the importance of setting intentions and goals, even if she’s skeptical of New Year’s resolutions. She believes in the power of goal-setting as a tool for growth. Whether it’s small daily goals or big, audacious dreams, setting clear intentions directs your energy and actions toward realizing those ambitions.

“Goals guide you, intentions shape your journey. Don’t underestimate the power of mapping out where you want to go,” she emphasizes.

Seeking Guidance and Building Networks

Miranda makes a heartfelt offer to her listeners, inviting them to reach out for guidance. She offers assistance through DMs on Instagram or LinkedIn, and even a free 30-minute strategy session. Her aim is to help others navigate their paths to success.

“Don’t hesitate to ask for help; guidance can make the road to your next level much smoother,” says Miranda.

Additionally, she underscores the significance of building networks and establishing connections that can act as catalysts for growth.

Overcoming Negative Self-Talk

Miranda addresses the mental challenges many face, including negative self-talk and imposter syndrome. She assures her listeners that these feelings are normal but should not be debilitating.

“Imposter syndrome and negative self-talk are part of the process. Give yourself the grace to feel these emotions but don’t let them hinder your progress,” she advises.

Activate Your Next Level for 2024

As the episode wraps up, Miranda invites her listeners to join her in activating their next level for 2024. She expresses excitement at the prospect of seeing their growth and transformation. Miranda encourages her audience to sign up for the waitlist for her upcoming book, reinforcing that it’s time to unlock their potential and take decisive actions towards their dreams.

“Let’s make 2024 the year we activate our highest potential. I’m here to see you go all in on your awesomeness!” she exclaims with fervor.

Final Thoughts

Miranda’s episode is a powerful call to action, urging listeners to seize opportunities, set goals, and overcome fears. By sharing her own journey, she provides a relatable and inspiring roadmap for anyone looking to elevate their life. With tools, tips, and an invitation for personal guidance, Miranda equips her audience with everything they need to activate their next level.

So, are you ready to step into your brilliance? Say yes to opportunities, confront your fears, and activate your next level today!



Miranda [00:00:01]:
Hello. Hello. And welcome to another episode of Own Your Awesome. I’m your host, Miranda Von Frickin. I don’t know if you can tell by my voice, but I am feeling something today. Oh, goodness. I have just came off of one of the most fabulous experiences that I’ve had in a while. Don’t tell my husband.

Miranda [00:00:28]:
Just kidding. He knows all about it. If you had been watching me at all on socials, You’ll notice that me and my tutu had went down to Manhattan for a conference, and I have so much to share from that experience. 1st, I want to say hello. Thank you so much for being here. If you are a regular listener of the podcast, I’m just so grateful for you, and I would love, love, love it If you could rate me, if you could go to wherever you’re listening to this and give a 5 star review and a little bit of details about how you’re enjoying Own Your Awesome, I would greatly appreciate it. One of my big goals for 2024 is to take this level or to take this podcast to the next level to really elevate and expand what I’ve been doing so far. So reviews would help.

Miranda [00:01:22]:
Thank you. If you’re new to this and this is your 1st episode, I hope you love it so much that you have to binge watch the rest of them. They’re typically short, you know, like, 5 to 20 minutes tops. So great for car rides, great for walks, Getting fresh air on a lunch break. And if you do that and are inclined to give a review, I would greatly appreciate that as well. So today’s episode is called new level activated, and I feel like it’s not just a new level in life or business that’s been activated for me. I feel like the cells in my body have been, like, activated and recharged, and there’s So many ways that I had thought about how I would deliver this message to you because as we approach the new year, If you’ve been listening, you know how I feel about resolutions. However, I do love setting intentions, setting goals.

Miranda [00:02:21]:
I do love having a Focus, you know, for every new season, not just in January. But I wanted to kind of take this activation and tie it to something I did in order to really kinda, like, I don’t know, like, hit home how This topic of getting in the room is. So if you had listened to episode 16, it was are you in the rooms? And if you haven’t yet, feel free to pause this and go check out episode 16. You don’t actually have to listen to episode 16 to enjoy this episode, but you will enjoy it anyway. So I highly suggest either go listen to it now and come back or finish this one and listen to it after so you can really, like, hear what I’m saying, what I mean by get in the room. So not only did I talk about it on a podcast, I’ve been posting about it. I’ve been posting for my clients about getting in the room because I really want this message to be spread as far as possible because Zoom rooms just aren’t doing it for us anymore. Friends, I love a good Zoom event.

Miranda [00:03:26]:
I love networking through Zoom. I love being in my pajama pants and no shoes, no socks, no problem. But There’s nothing as powerful and magical as being in a physical room with fabulous people that have the same energy as you do. There’s nothing. And as much again, as I love technology and I love Zoom, it’s just not the same. So the episode 16 was all about getting in the rooms. Are you in the rooms? And not just the rooms, the right rooms, the right rooms for you, your goals, Your energy, your intentions for the highest version of yourself. And so this weekend, Man, was I in the room.

Miranda [00:04:11]:
Whoo. I was so in the room. It was ridiculous. I took a half of it with my tutu. So there’s a conference that there’s actually a media group called She Leads Media. It is, a a fantastic grouped by Adrienne Garland and Tori Barker. These 2 women are just fantastic. Adrienne Garland is the CEO of She Leads Media and the host of the Sugar Coated podcast, which I was on.

Miranda [00:04:39]:
So if you wanna go check that out, it’s called Sugar Coated. I should probably figure out the episode number, but just search for me and you’ll find me. I’ll pop up. It was probably one of my favorite podcast interviews. It wasn’t about LinkedIn. It wasn’t about personal branding. It wasn’t about my self leadership and motivation expertise. It was about Women, the environment we put ourselves in, how to shine a light on our awesomeness.

Miranda [00:05:04]:
It was of course, we talked to LinkedIn and branding and all that good stuff because that’s my jam, But it was just such a high level conversation, and it was just beautiful. And I honestly wanna write a book based on that conversation. So I highly suggest you check out sugarcoated by Adrienne Garland, and listen to that episode with me. Tori Barker is the new CMO of She Leads Media, and boy, did she bring it to this event. Tori Barker, Adrian Garland, and I are in a mastermind together, So we know each other a little bit, but Tori has a podcast also called creative visionaries. And, Tori, if you’re listening, I can’t wait for my invitation, Girl, I’m here for an invitation. But these 2 women put on a Flawless event over, last week. It was Friday.

Miranda [00:05:54]:
There was a VIP experience the night before down in Manhattan. I say down because I’m here in Albany and Upstate New York. People had traveled in from all over the United States. I think California was the furthest. A few friends I had met from Texas. I believe there was someone from Kansas. There there was women and gentlemen, mostly women from all over the United States and I think Canada too. I didn’t meet anyone from Mexico or across the pond, but I I would have no doubt if there were women from outside of the United States at this event.

Miranda [00:06:29]:
It was it was just fire. It was fantastic. I can’t breathe enough about it. It was actually their 9th, conference. Next year is their 10th conference, and I’m just like, let me mark the week off for this next year because I’m a say the whole week and do everything and just make it a whole vibe. So As you can imagine, after just talking about Zoom rooms and take I have been doing some in person conferences here locally in my Area, I’ve done a few I actually went up to Canada once and did a conference in 2023, and then most of them, though, were virtual rooms. So, of course, going from the virtual world to the in person live Manhattan, Female entrepreneurs, female executives, $1,000,000 women hosting, like, events and having businesses that are just, like, Eight times, 10 times mine, I was a little intimidated to say the least. Even though I knew the 2 main women, I felt comfortable in the space.

Miranda [00:07:36]:
I felt very grateful to be invited, and I had done actually bigger conferences before. Like, this was probably, like, a100, a 150 women. I had done, like, 500 plus stages before, like, with people in the audience. So it wasn’t gonna be intimidating to, like, be on that stage and speak to them, and it was a panel. So I knew I felt a little more confident Because of the panel part of it, like, I rock a panel. Like, ask me questions. I don’t have to prepare. I just come as myself.

Miranda [00:08:05]:
That’s my jam. So I had a little bit of confidence, but there was so much in my head leading up to this event. And I wanted to dive in a little bit to it because when I say the next level, the new level of me was activated, It included all of this craziness that went on in my head leading up to the event as well as, you know, the thought process Of getting there, what was I wearing, what was I gonna talk about, who was I gonna meet, the networking before, all the things. All of Anytime we wanna level up to the next level, get 1 step closer to our highest self, there is going to be obstacles. There are going to be things in our way that are gonna stop us, and some of those things are ourselves. Right? How many times have you heard Self sabotage is real. Right? Like and I wasn’t self sabotaging by any means, but I have done that in the past and it’s a topic that I’m actually really studying these days because it’s just it’s something that’s coming up a lot with my clients, so I really wanted to kinda learn more and dive into it. But to level up, you have to almost master the level you’re at.

Miranda [00:09:19]:
And the level you’re at includes Negative self talk, the thoughts and feelings of imposter syndrome, which was hilarious on the panel. I said it’s not a syndrome. Where are my doctors in the room? And a few women raised their hands, and they confirmed it is not a syndrome. There is no medical diagnosis for imposter syndrome. You’ve heard me talk about this before. My my friend, dear friend, Nancy Madoff talks about it all the time. And so I wanted to just bring up that these negative things are going to happen. It’s a part of the process.

Miranda [00:09:53]:
And so not only can we get past it, But while we’re in it, we need to give ourselves some grace and realize, oh, you know what? These things are are coming up for me. It’s totally normal. This is a part of leveling up. So not only can we kind of give ourselves some break some grace, but we can embrace the obstacles that come in our way because we know we’re on the right path. Anything that’s super easy is probably not for our highest good, And anything that gives us a little bit of resistance is probably exactly where we’re meant to be. It is 100% the path we’re meant to take because we’re finding some Resistance. Think about, like, weight training. Like, you can’t get stronger without resistance.

Miranda [00:10:36]:
Right? So same thing with leveling up in our life, in our career, in our business. So here’s a little bit about what was going on in my head while preparing for this She Leads conference in Manhattan. One, I hadn’t been to the city in a while, and I hadn’t been to the city by myself since I lived there. I lived in Manhattan about, Jeez. I’m gonna age myself now. About 20 years ago 20 years ago, I lived in Manhattan, moved down there by myself, stayed for a little over a year, And I had a a wonderful experience. It just didn’t work out for me, and I I had always felt that it was a quote unquote failure. Even though it was a great experience, I loved it.

Miranda [00:11:17]:
I always thought, like, if I could do it again, I’d do it differently. And I felt like Being down there this time was almost me getting a redo even though it was a one day thing for me. I felt like it was An opportunity to redeem my Manhattan experience. Right? So I was a little bit nervous about going down there alone. I was a little nervous about the past failure in Manhattan, thinking this may be a do over. So, of course, all of the things I used to to myself, like, oh, you couldn’t hack it. It was only a year. You know, what’s the problem? Blah blah blah.

Miranda [00:11:52]:
So that those things started to creep up in my head. This was my 1st Manhattan Women’s Conference. It to me, Manhattan, the big city, like, even though I live 3 hours from it, it’s still like vision board. I had a a picture of a penthouse in, like, a huge conference on my vision board for about 2 years. I want to Speak in the city. I wanna get down there more. I do have clients that I work with in the city, but it’s usually virtual. I don’t get down there as much as I’d like to for business, But this this was an opportunity for me.

Miranda [00:12:24]:
So being down there, of course, brought up some old feelings, some negative feelings, some nervousness. I knew the topics I was gonna speak about. You know, it was a visibility conference, and visibility is my jam. And so I really focused on LinkedIn as the platform for visibility because that’s my specialty. But, of course, I brought in all my other words of wisdom about podcasting, About self leadership, all the life coach stuff that I talk about, and all those topics, I was really able to bring those to the forefront of my topic because In order to really rock LinkedIn, you have to know who you are. You’ve gotta have clarity in your voice, your vision, your vibe. There’s just so much to it. It’s not just What do I put on my headline and hope it works out? So I was really able to talk about the energy we bring to the platform.

Miranda [00:13:15]:
But for me, I was nervous a little bit about the crowd and if they would accept me. Right? So I felt like My business isn’t where it should be because I had just recently take taken a few months off after the loss of my brother. So I kind of, you know, fell back a little bit in business. I kinda took a a long break, which to me, it’s not a failure by any means. We all need that time to grieve, which clearly, it’s only been a few months. I still am. So I’m in this, like, weird, you know, in between where I wanna go hard and I kinda I don’t wanna at all. So I was nervous if the crowd would, like, search me and see that, like, I’m not a $1,000,000 earner, which I knew a lot of these women would be.

Miranda [00:13:57]:
So maybe a little nervous, but then, of course, I do a lot of self coaching. So I was able to kind of Control that that nervousness and switch it into excitement for the fact that none of them had a LinkedIn specialty. So I knew I was already, confident to be able to speak to that and to help them level up on the platform and all the energy that comes with it. I was a little nervous that they would or would not accept the funny whimsical side of me. I mean, I’m a 43 year old grown woman walking down Manhattan with a tutu on. And this tutu is long. I mean, I’m sure you’ve seen the photos by now. If not, check out LinkedIn or Instagram.

Miranda [00:14:36]:
I posted all about it. It’s a long tutu, but it’s still a tutu. Would they embrace the fact that I’m gonna name drop Jesus a lot. Did I really care if they would embrace it? Not so much. I cared more about the 22 because I I knew that I accepted The 100% faith that I was gonna bring to the table and name dropping Jesus, I also accepted my tutu, which is why I wore it, but that’s a different story. And I was a little nervous if they would bring up anything, like the recent loss and how I dealt with it on LinkedIn and stuff like that. So I had a few things wrapping around my brain that was just kind of, like, bouncing around. And I I was really honestly nervous to see if I was ready for it.

Miranda [00:15:20]:
Like, had I done enough of the healing side of what had happened to my personal life in order to step on the stage and be my most highest self, my most, you know, visible, my most fabulous self in front of all of these women that have just paid 1,000 of dollars to be here at this conference. The answer was yes. However, all of those thoughts ran through my head, in the weeks leading up to it. And I just wanna say, like, it’s completely normal, and I know this, that it’s completely normal for us to have a little bit of self Doubt, no matter how confident we are in something we’re about to do or a topic we’re speaking on or if we’re going in for a job interview and we know we can rock that job description, like that is job is made for us. There’s always gonna be a little bit of nervousness because To me, that means you want it. That means it’s real. That means there’s some real stakes there. That means this is meant for you, and it’s Actually, a really good feeling.

Miranda [00:16:22]:
So not only did I embrace all of the obstacles that popped in, but also, like, the back and forth that my Breen was doing with being confident and being a little doubtful. I allowed that to happen and I embraced it because I knew this was right for me. So as I entered the hotel room and checked in, the train ride, like, everything getting me down to the city, I started to feel a little more comfortable. Right? So taking the steps even through fear, even with a little bit of nervousness, I still packed. I still, You know, got the outfit that I wanted to wear, which that’s a whole different podcast episode. Not just the tutu. I need 2 big outfits. So, you know, getting down getting down there on the city, on the train, getting to my hotel on time in order to get ready, Meet the women I was gonna meet, get to the VIP experience.

Miranda [00:17:16]:
I would I was feeling more and more confident, but it was still I was still nervous because it it wasn’t time yet to enter the room. But let me tell you, as I entered the all mirrored Elevator. Yep. The elevator was all mirrors. I walked in with my leather pants on, with my blue velvet jacket. It’s a whole vibe. I’ll have to post the photo. I felt so in my element.

Miranda [00:17:47]:
The minute I the doors opened, I saw myself, my hair and makeup, my outfit on point. I saw myself, and I knew I was exactly where I was meant to be in that moment. So this is just one of many steps For you to know that you are in the right place, that you are about to embark on a level up experience, I felt in that moment something activate within me. Not just because my hair and makeup looked good and my outfit was awesome. I have a Louis on. Like, I felt I felt amazing because I had said yes to the experience that I was a little nervous about that maybe I thought I wasn’t ready for, which, you know, are we ever ready for anything? You know, I said yes to myself. I worked through the Fears, I got on the train. I made things happen here at home in order for me to, you know, leave for, you know, over 24 hours.

Miranda [00:18:44]:
I was able to do all the things because I knew this was the room I wanted to be in. I knew Something fantastic was gonna happen even if I met 1 person to really either help me level up or I got to help them level up. Either way, I knew I had a great message To share, I said yes. I got in the room. The minute I saw myself get on that elevator heading to the VIP experience the night before, I knew I’d be okay. No matter how nervous I was about finding a taxi and driving to the location, which was about 20 minutes or so away from the hotel. It was just one after another confirmation that I was in the right place even parallel to the obstacles that were getting in my way. So I just wanna kinda point that out.

Miranda [00:19:34]:
If you’ve got something going on And you’re nervous about it or you’re super excited, but you know it’s it’s for you. You a 100% know it’s for you. You’re gonna come up across some obstacles, some resistance, but you’re also gonna come up with some confirmation. So I want you to be very aware of your surroundings, very aware of what’s happening around you. Just be very aware of what’s going on energetically within you because for everything that feels off, there may be something that feels completely on, and that will balance it out or maybe push push past the negative. If it’s all negative and you’re like, this isn’t working out, this isn’t for me, listen to yourself there. We’ll do a whole separate, podcast on intuition, but, you know, really trust the signs that you’re seeing. And for me, There was a couple, you know, not so great ones, but there were also a lot of really good ones.

Miranda [00:20:25]:
So those are some signs that really helped me know I was on the right path and Feel like I was being activated. So I get to the VIP experience. The penthouse was Ridiculous. Like, I don’t I don’t know the price of this penthouse, but it it was obviously in the millions, and it was just, The food, the women, the view, oh my gosh, the view was unheard of. It was on, I believe, the 36th floor, if I remember correctly. The DJ was on point. We had a wonderful interview with another fabulous CEO, a female, business owner who just was so sweet and so humble and so kind in talking about her business, her $1,000,000 business. She didn’t have a high school diploma, and she started from scratch.

Miranda [00:21:13]:
And it was just it was just so inspiring. So Had a wonderful experience at the VIP, went home and here’s another thing, like another obstacle. Apparently, when you get into that that area of Manhattan, not a lot of taxis roam the streets. And I had never taken an Uber. Isn’t that crazy? Like, I’m not a small town girl, but I’ve never needed an Uber because I drive everywhere. So, when I asked the doorman, like, what should I go left or right to find a taxi or will there be 1 out front? He was like, yeah. You’re gonna wanna get a a Uber or Lyft because, know, taxis don’t really come down here, and I was like, oh, how am I getting home? Anyway, I found a taxi because literally, I I got to the end of the street, and I said, god, I need a taxi. I’m gonna need you to pull up a yellow taxi and get me safely back to the hotel.

Miranda [00:22:06]:
And within, like, 3 minutes, there was one pulling up, and he was he was fantastic. We had a nice a nice chat on the way home. But walking to the event, my like, just Being there, it was just so activating, so activating. And then the next day, oh my gosh, don’t even get me started walking into, We walked to the experience. I did not wear my tutu walking there. I put it on when I got to the event, but my my tutu was on point. Everybody loved it. The panel went off without a hitch.

Miranda [00:22:37]:
I never felt more alive than I had in in that Less than 24 hour experience in such a long time. It was so like I said, I keep using the word activated because I felt every cell in my body had been wake wake little by little waking up every single like, maybe every hour, every minute. I just felt more and more alive, more and more myself, and I talk about that experience. And it’s not about the penthouse. Not about what I wore. I know I really expressed a lot of that, but it was just so magical being at this experience. It was really about saying yes to myself, stretching myself, fighting past the fear, and knowing that this was for me. All of this coupled, of course, with the tutu, the leather pants, the penthouse, and the room full of amazing power House women really is all of that together is what really activated me, and I couldn’t have asked for a better experience As we enter into the holiday season and finish up planning for q one and into the new year, I just I couldn’t be more excited.

Miranda [00:23:49]:
So As we near 2024, I wanna ask you, what can you do today, this week, This weekend, what can you do in the next, say, 7 to 10 days to activate your next level? Because this is something that I know will take me to where I wanna go. Every day, I’m 1 step closer to this, You know, ultimate journey slash destination that I’ve been fighting for in my life, in my business, with my relationships, and with myself and my prayer life. And I know that these these type of experiences don’t often fall on our lap. These experiences have to be curated by us. We have to look for them, plan them if we can’t find them, ask to be invited to them. We have to step into these rooms and be around the right people in order to activate us to go to the next level. It’s like, You know, a little noss in the engine, a little you know, like, to boost the car a little bit faster. Like, if we’re gonna continue on this journey of awesomeness to where we wanna go and ultimately hit all of these goals we set for ourselves and then just keep climbing.

Miranda [00:25:06]:
We have to have activation experiences, and this was that for me. So I’m gonna ask you, what experience can you be a part of to activate your next level in the next, say, 7 to 10 days. Is there an event you were invited to that you said no? Is there a phone call that you kinda left, you no thank you on? Is there a text that you left unread because you just weren’t sure about it. Like, what has already come into your world that you have maybe Said no to, but maybe you could have said yes to or that there’s still an opportunity for you to say yes. Perhaps it’s not an Experience like an event that I went to, perhaps your next level activation experience is starting a new prayer routine. Maybe it’s joining that hot goat yoga class. Maybe don’t do hot yo hot goat yoga because I feel like that’d be very stinky. But you know what I mean.

Miranda [00:26:09]:
Maybe it’s the Pilates class or the boxing class or the hip hop class you’ve always wanted to take. I remember years ago, I took a belly dancing class, and it just It was so much fun. Me and my girlfriends really looked forward to it. But there’s always that something that you wanted to do but couldn’t find the time for. Maybe now is the time to make it happen. Can you reach out to that person that you maybe saw at a grocery store recently or saw on Facebook and you really wanted to reconnect with them. Maybe it’s asking for the promotion. I mean, it’s kinda it’s kinda bold, but I’m here for it.

Miranda [00:26:47]:
Like, what’s wrong with asking for get all your ducks in a row. Like, Your review’s probably coming up if you didn’t already have it. And when you get it or if you already did, say you took some time to marinate on it, and you’re asking for a promotion. You’re asking for the raise. Maybe it’s time you wrote the layout for the book that’s always been on your heart or you redo your resume or uplevel your LinkedIn profile or RSVP yes to that event. No matter no matter what it is, There is something in your in bin or in in your mind somewhere that you can say yes to that could potentially Activate your next level. I want you to say yes to it. I want you to be bold enough to ask for it, and I want you to use it to take you to the next level, especially if you haven’t made your plans for the New Year’s yet or your q one plans or next year’s intentions.

Miranda [00:27:44]:
If you’re still, like, not sure what next year’s gonna bring you, Why don’t you do something to activate everything within you so then you can make the plan for next year and not wait for it to come to you? I almost backed out of this event a few times. One one reason was actually legit, but the rest of them were all in my head. But I pushed through the fear, the uncertainty, and the doubt, and I made it happen. I stepped up. I showed up, and I expanded my realm of possibilities by saying yes. And that’s exactly what I’m telling you, asking you, urging you, encouraging you to do today. Step up, show up, and expand your realm of possibilities By activating your next level, what does that look like for you? And if you need help figuring that out, I’m a DM away. Find me on Insta.

Miranda [00:28:40]:
I’m at Miranda dot freaking freaking. I’m at Miranda dot von Frickin, and that’s on Instagram. On LinkedIn, I’m Miranda Von Frickin. You can’t miss it. It’s all hot pink. DM me. Hey. I listened to your podcast.

Miranda [00:28:58]:
I wanna activate the next level. I don’t know what it looks like. Not only can we have a conversation, but I also have a free 30 minute strategy session. I can send you my calendar link. We can have a really great conversation. And, of course, whatever happens after that happens. We wanna work together. Let’s do it.

Miranda [00:29:15]:
You wanna get on my wait list for this book? Oh, yeah. Because the wait list is out. Whoop whoop. Then get on the wait list. There’s so many ways I can help you Activate your next level for 2024 within the next 7 to 10 days. Don’t wait any longer. You know you wanna reach out. Quit second guessing yourself.

Miranda [00:29:35]:
No more excuses. Let’s do it. It is time to activate your next level, and I can’t wait to see what that looks like for you. Thank you so much for listening to another episode of the own your awesome podcast. I’m Miranda Von Frickin. Until next time.

Miranda VonFricken
Miranda VonFricken; Founder of Own Your Awesome!™ A podcast, best-selling book, and global movement attracting and expanding women at work, at home, and online!

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