Own Your Last 50 Days of 2023! – Episode 17
Welcome back to another inspiring episode of Own Your Awesome with your host, Miranda Von Fricken! As the year is winding down, we're diving into an invigorating discussion about how to make the most of the last 50 days of…

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The year 2023 is quickly coming to a close, but that doesn’t mean it’s time to wait for January 1st to set new goals. With roughly 50 days left in the year, there’s ample opportunity to make the most of this time. Instead of counting the remainder of the year as a wash, consider what you can achieve in these final weeks. Let’s explore how you can maximize the last days of 2023 to boost your confidence, set the stage for 2024, and finish the year on a high note.

The Challenge: Transformative 40 Days with Mark Batterson

For those eager to embark on a meaningful journey, why not join a 40-day challenge to finish the year strong? Miranda Von Fricken introduced a wonderful way to end 2023 by engaging in the “Draw the Circle” 40-day prayer challenge by Mark Batterson. This challenge offers a structured path to lean into your faith, reflecting on your goals and desires while seeking divine guidance.

Engaging in such a challenge can not only impart spiritual growth but also instill a disciplined routine for daily reflection and action. It’s an opportunity to draw closer to the word of God and set a positive tone for the new year.

Two Schools of Thought: Wait or Act Now

As Miranda points out, there are generally two approaches people take as the year winds down:

1. Waiting for January: Many people consider the last few weeks of the year a write-off, focusing on holiday indulgence and delaying any new goals until January.

2. Seizing the Opportunity: On the other hand, some see the remaining days as a valuable window to create momentum and accomplish goals.

The Promise of 50 Days: What Can You Achieve?

A lot can be accomplished in 50 days—that’s nearly two months! From initiating a new routine to tackling long-postponed projects, the possibilities are endless. Here are some goals you can set and achieve before the year ends:

1. Start a New Routine: Whether it’s exercising, reading, or a morning routine, establishing a habit now can engrain it before the new year even begins.

2. Learn a New Language: It’s possible to grasp the basics of a new language in six weeks. Imagine welcoming the new year with a new skill!

3. Clear Out Clutter: Cleaning out spaces like your garage, closet, or attic not only organizes your environment but also prepares you for any big changes you might be planning for 2024.

4. Tackle a Home Project: Whether it’s redecorating a room or a DIY project you’ve been putting off, completing it can boost your sense of accomplishment.

5. Change a Bad Habit: Use this time to break a habit you’ve been meaning to ditch. Focus on one small change and work towards it gradually.

Set the Scene for 2024: Realistic Goals and Less Pressure

Part of what makes the idea of starting now so appealing is the reduction in pressure. January 1st often comes with the weight of transforming one’s life within unrealistic timeframes. By starting now, you’re treating the last days of the year as a prelude to success rather than a frantic scramble.

How to Get Started:

1. Set Realistic Goals: Instead of aiming to lose 100 pounds, start with drinking more water or incorporating a daily walk.

2. Weekly Focus: Dedicate each week to a different area of your life—finances, health, environment, relationships, etc. Tackle one goal at a time for a well-rounded approach.

3. Celebrate Small Wins: Every small step taken towards your goal counts. Acknowledge your progress to keep motivated and energized.

Boost Your Holiday Energy and Spirit

The holiday season can be stressful, but by focusing on personal goals, you can enhance your overall holiday experience. Improving your self-confidence and setting achievable milestones can make the holidays more enjoyable and less overwhelming.

Final Thoughts: Take Charge and Build Momentum

2023 doesn’t have to end with you waiting for a fresh start; it can conclude with you feeling accomplished, confident, and ready for the new year. Embrace the last 50 days and make them count. Whether it’s through a 40-day challenge, learning a new skill, or tidying up your living space, use this time to build a positive momentum that will carry you into 2024.

So, what’s your plan? Share your goals and let’s finish 2023 strong, together. Remember, you are awesome, and every small action you take is a step towards a brighter, better year ahead.

Thank you for spending this time with me. Until next week, continue to own your awesome!



Miranda [00:00:00]:
Hello. Hello. And welcome to another episode of Own Your Awesome. I’m your host, Miranda Von Frickin. I am so pumped for this conversation. Okay. I may say that for all the conversations, but I promise you, it’s a good one. I realized the other day while looking at my calendar that as of today, the day you’re hearing this, we have 50 days until the end of the year.

Miranda [00:00:25]:
How crazy is that? Alright. To be fully transparent, we have 49 days, but nobody’s talking about 49 days. We have about 50 days left in the new year or in this year until we hit the new year. I don’t know about you, but I am ready to bless and release 2023, and I cannot look forward to what God has in store for me in the next year. Typically, I will do a wrapping up type challenge. It’s a 5 day thing. I usually host it on Facebook. It’s well attended.

Miranda [00:00:56]:
People love it. And this year, I decided instead of doing that, I’m going to do a different type of challenge. I’m doing actually a 40 day challenge. So you’ve got about 9 days from when you’re hearing this, considering you hear this on a Monday, to grab the book, draw the the circle by Mark Batterson. It’s a 40 day prayer challenge. It’s called draw the circle. Mark Batterson, b a t t e r s o n. It’s a daily devotional.

Miranda [00:01:28]:
You read a couple pages every single day. It’s all laid out there for you, and it helps you to lean into the word of God and really set yourself up for a beautiful year. Now you don’t have to do that challenge. I’m just inviting everybody to it. If you wanna join me, shoot me a DM on LinkedIn or Instagram. I’m Miranda Von Frickin, of course, everywhere on social. Let me know you’re a part of it, and I will add you into the group. It’s a free challenge.

Miranda [00:01:53]:
You just have to buy your own book. You can get it anywhere books are sold. So when I was doing the math for this challenge, I realized the day this goes out, we have 50 days left in the year. And so it made me think like, wow. 50 days. I wonder what people are gonna do with those 50 days. There’s 2 school of thoughts. Right? 1 school is alright.

Miranda [00:02:14]:
There’s only there’s only, like, a month and a half left. Let’s be honest. The holidays are coming. Thanksgiving’s coming. I’m gonna eat all the stuffing, and I’m just gonna, like, wear yoga pants and just wait until January to start new goals, and I’ll start fresh then. That’s not my school of thought, and it shouldn’t be yours either. But no judgment. No judgment.

Miranda [00:02:34]:
I love me some yoga pants and turkey and stuffing. Always stuffing myself in these yoga pants. Alright. And the other school of thought is, wow, 50 days left. I can do a lot in 50 days. And so I’m of that mentality. I thought, of course, I can do some type of recap of the highs and the lows, the lessons, and the blessings of 2023, and I can just really use this time to just claim my peace, right, and, like, do the holidays upright, like, shop on time, prepare the meals for Thanksgiving, and I celebrate Christmas. So preparing meals for those meals or menus for those meals Sand.

Miranda [00:03:17]:
Who’s coming? I host, like, 20 people on Thanksgiving, so it’s it’s gonna be, you know, a a big undertaking as usual, and it needs, you know, all hands on deck. I could be really preparing for that so I can just enjoy some time off. I love to think that I could have December off from work, but that’s never the case. Someday it will be. But there’s a lot that I could do to just kinda set myself up for a really cool new year and set some goals then and just go hard January 1. But let’s be honest. We all know what we did last year on January 1 and the year before that and the year before that. Now I’m not lumping us all into 1 group and say by January 12, we’re back on the couch not hitting the gym, but that is typically what happens.

Miranda [00:04:05]:
Even me. I legit have a master’s in motivation. I live on rainbows and unicorns, and I just am all about wee. And I still get those slumps. Right? Like, my life definitely revolves around my energy and the roller coaster that is me now at 43 years old. I have to prepare for the highs and lows. So this is what I wanna dive into today. Not only your energy for now from now until the end of the year, but I wanna talk about the possibilities of the next 6 weeks because that’s about what we have left.

Miranda [00:04:40]:
There’s so many things that we could do now in order to feel super accomplished if we haven’t already. We can do so much more than just recap the year and prepare for the holidays. I mean, in 6 weeks, we can start a new routine, great and really get into a flow of something that we’ve really wanted to do, whether it’s a morning routine, a workout routine, a stretch yoga seen, you know, reading a book routine. There’s so many different routines you can start and really make it a solid habit from now until the end of the year. You can learn a new language. How crazy is that? By the end can you imagine if by the end of the 6 weeks, I’m doing this podcast in a different language? I mean, that’d be awesome. It’s not one of my goals right now, but it could be yours. Have you ever had a goal that you wanted to reach, knew it didn’t take a full year to reach it and just thought like, I’ll start it in the new year.

Miranda [00:05:38]:
I don’t want you to think that anymore. I want you to know there’s so many possibilities between now and the new year that you can do beyond a grateful challenge. Although, I’m a huge fan of grateful challenges. If you don’t have 1, let me know. I’ve got a client of mine that’s running 1, and it’s at your own pace. It’s self paced, and it’s beautiful. So let me know if you need to get into one of those. I’ve got one for you.

Miranda [00:06:01]:
But in 6 weeks, you can read about 2 or 3 books if you really focus, you can clean your garage. You can bake I mean, that’s something I need to do before it starts snowing here in New York. I gotta clean out my garage. You could do a huge project in your house. Right? Like, repaint the bathroom or retile something. Like, you can do something in your current home and your environment to change the way it looks and feels, which, of course, in turn will help your energy, for the new year. You could change one bad habit. Like, what’s happening in your life these days that you wish you didn’t do as much, like watch TV too much, maybe you eat too late at night, you got that snack habit, maybe I don’t know.

Miranda [00:06:50]:
Like, there’s so many different things that we do on a daily basis. Maybe we complain. Right? Like, maybe there’s something in our world, in our life that we do that we’re like, ugh. I need to stop doing that. Right? So what can you maybe instead of adding to your life, what can you take out of your life and change that habit to be a positive habit. 6 weeks, friends, you could do a lot. You can write a book. You can create an online course.

Miranda [00:07:15]:
You can get featured on podcasts. You could change your LinkedIn up. Let’s be honest. You can do that in 6 minutes. Especially if you’re working with me, you can create a booming personal brand. So then by time the New Year hits, people are starting to recognize your name or your organization is starting to realize, she’s got something going on. There’s something special there. She may need a promotion.

Miranda [00:07:40]:
She may need more monies. I’m just saying. There’s a lot you could do in 6 weeks. I’m curious. What is that thing for you? What is the thing that you could do if you really put your mind to it. And some things you don’t even really have to put your mind to it. You just gotta make the decision. That’s a whole different podcast, but making the decision to change one thing now before the New Year hits can be a game changer.

Miranda [00:08:09]:
I mean, why wait until January 1st to be awesome? Right? And let’s be honest. Like, why are we waiting till January 1st. Any of you that that wait and say, like or in the 1st school of thought that I mentioned where you’re just kinda like, I’m just gonna chill and do me in my yoga pants. I’m clearly in yoga pants right now. I’m feeling some type of way about my yoga pants apparently. But, like, what can you do between now and January 1st? That’s so when January 1st hits, it’s already a positive habit. It’s already something you changed. So when January 1st hits, you’re not like, gotta hit the gym or got a cold turkey, this Dorito habit I have.

Miranda [00:08:49]:
You know, what is the thing that when January 1st comes, you’re already proud of yourself? You’re already like, mhmm. I’m awesome, and I know it. I own that shit. Mhmm. Ear muffs to the littles. The reason I think people wait into into January 1st is because they’ve either already messed up the year and they’re kinda counting it a wash at this point or because they think there’s this magical power around the new year, which, let’s be honest, there is a power. There is definitely that’s something that happens in a in a transitional period. Like, it’s a threshold between years.

Miranda [00:09:30]:
There is definitely some magic, but wouldn’t it be nice to use that magic to boost something you’ve already done to take it to the next level versus using that magic to get yourself started. It takes a lot to get started. Here’s why I think you need to start today and not wait until January 1st. One, there’s less pressure. Let’s be honest. There is a lot of pressure it but we put on ourselves. A 100%. We put it on ourselves.

Miranda [00:09:58]:
Some you know, society does too. Social media, blah blah blah, January 1. But there’s a lot of pressure on us to start something and make a complete transformation in January. Mm-mm. I ain’t got time for that. I don’t even have the emotional energy for the January 1 pressure. So I will be changing something or tweaking something or making something happen, which is literally why I’m writing my book. This is the week.

Miranda [00:10:21]:
It’s come it’s gonna be dawn. Fingers crossed. Oh, god help me. I am finishing this book before the new year. That is my one goal. Sold me to it, friends. That way when January 1 comes, I’m not like, oh, I should write that book. I should finally get it off my mind.

Miranda [00:10:37]:
You know? So nope. It’s gotta be done. So there’s less pressure for me to be like, January 1, starting that thing or January 1, I gotta lose £25. Like, nope. I’m gonna start changing habits. I’ve got 50 days, 6 weeks. You can do some damage in 6 weeks, friends. I mean, you can literally, of course, write the book.

Miranda [00:10:57]:
I already talked about that, but you could really start to get into a healthy routine that makes you feel empowered, makes you feel fabulous, helps you to, you know, really own the room when you walk into it. 6 speaks is a long time. So the for 1, there’s less pressure on yourself for that January goal time. And one reason. I’m giving you 4 reasons why I think you need to do something in the next 50 days. Second reason, it’s more realistic. Right? Like, it’s you can set more realistic goals today than you would for yourself on January 1 with all that pressure attached. So today, you may say to yourself, alright.

Miranda [00:11:35]:
Depending on when you’re listening to this, I’ve got 40 to 50 days. I can still make a big change in that time. What’s one thing I wanna tweak? You’re not gonna say I need to lose a £100. Right? Like, you’re just not gonna say that. But you may say, I need to start drinking half of my body weight in water. You may actually say to yourself, I need to clean out, my closet. Right? Like, you you can set a realistic goal in that time. On January 1, I feel like our goals are like, I need to birth a unicorn.

Miranda [00:12:07]:
I need to win the lottery. I need to make 6 figures. I need to make multi 6 figures. I feel like the January 1 goals are, like, huge. Right? They’re they’re like the whole year. They’re not just small increments. Right? So today, if you’re setting a goal, It’s not gonna be I need to sell my house and make a ton of profit off it and buy my dream home. Today’s goal can be I need to clear out the attic.

Miranda [00:12:33]:
So when next year we start to put the house on the market, I don’t have to clean the whole house because the attic is done, and then I can move on to the next area, so it’s a little more realistic. We’ll set these goals for ourselves today than we would on January 1. The third thing is You’re setting the scene for 2024 even if that’s your goal. Shit. My goal is to set the scene in all areas of my life for 2024. I got 6 weeks to do it. Let’s pick 6 areas of our life, our work, our business, our family, our marriage, our health, our home. I mean, pick a car, whatever.

Miranda [00:13:08]:
Pick 6 areas of your life and set the scene. Right? Environment is 1. Relationships is a huge one. Your energy is 1. There’s so many different, like, areas, finances, so many areas in our life. If you pick your top 6 that you are a part of every single day. Obviously, they’re your areas. But set the scene for those 6 areas.

Miranda [00:13:33]:
And every week, you do something to move that area forward. So even if you said, like, week 1, I’m gonna work on finances. So I’m gonna talk to my spouse or my partner about finances, or I’m gonna look at my bank account, see what unnecessary spending I’ve been doing in 2024 or even the last 90 days, make some positive financial habits for set them that week and then start applying them throughout the next 6 weeks. Week 2. I’m gonna look at my health and my energy. Alright. Well, you know, I start the day with a mocha laka chakalaka from Starbucks, and it’s got a 1,000,012 calories. So I’m probably not gonna start my day with that drink anymore.

Miranda [00:14:14]:
Maybe I’m gonna start it with a green tea or, mocha latte with skim milk, and it’s gonna have less sugar in it. And it’ll be a better way to start my day, or maybe I’m gonna start the day with a bottle of water. Right? Like, oh my gosh. Can you imagine? Game changing, mind blowing. So that whole week, you’re setting your your energy up. What can I do to have better energy, physical energy? Because, I mean, all the energy could take the whole 6 weeks, but physical energy, and then you make those couple little tweaks, not too many, just a couple, and start to implement them along with some of those financial things that you’ve tweaked. So think about your setting the scene for the next 6 weeks for 2024. So when the New Year comes, you may not even have any goals.

Miranda [00:15:01]:
You may just be like, you know what? My goal is to keep crushing it. That’s what my goal is. Boom. That’s it. Alright. And the 4th reason I think you need to start now versus January 1 is because it’s gonna boost your holiday energy and spirit. Boosting your listen. The holidays can be stressful.

Miranda [00:15:18]:
It it doesn’t matter what you celebrate even if you celebrate peace and harmony and you celebrate snow. I’m in Upstate New York. I do not celebrate snow. Even if this is your season, these are these are the holidays you look forward to. Everything is magical and perfect. There’s no stress in your world. Let’s be honest. That’s not true.

Miranda [00:15:38]:
There’s still a little bit of stress that comes with the holiday season. Right? So for me, boosting the holiday energy now, right, by boosting your self, your physical energy, your mental energy, working towards some type of goal. It’s gonna boost your confidence. It’s gonna boost you. It’s gonna tell you that I’m awesome, and I’m doing the thing I set my mind to. And there’s no pressure because it’s not January 1. So if I screw up tomorrow and eat a bag of Doritos, as cool. I’m not gonna eat them again tomorrow.

Miranda [00:16:10]:
I’m just gonna keep doing me and set the scene. I’m gonna start to create really good habits. I’m gonna build momentum over the next 6 weeks, and that’s gonna build my confidence, and that is gonna boost your holiday energy. So then when the holidays hit, you don’t get that, like, slump afterwards. Do you ever feel that? Like, it’s usually go go go, crazy crazy crazy, wrap the presents, blah blah blah. Santa’s come in the tree. The dogs are eating the tree. Like, you know, ornaments are breaking.

Miranda [00:16:40]:
Like, there’s usually a little bit of stress, and then, like, the holiday happens, and the next day, you’re like, oh, good. I can breathe. Wouldn’t it be nice if you could just breathe the whole time? So that’s what my goal is for you guys. Right? Breathe the whole time through the holidays because you boosted your self confidence, your holiday energy. You’ve delegated things to other people. Maybe that’s one of your holiday delegation. I mean, hello. If that’s your goal, please share with me because I’m gonna help you.

Miranda [00:17:08]:
And then setting boundaries. Right? My friend Nancy talks a lot about setting boundaries this holiday. She actually has a challenge about setting boundaries during the holidays. So if you want that 1, DM me. I will send it to you. And you will definitely not regret that week between the holiday season well, the holiday’s all seasons, but there’s Hanukkah and Christmas and tons of other holidays in that, like, week or 2 week area, and then there then it kinda stops. And we’re kinda, like, in that in between holidays into New Year. Right? It’s still the holiday season, but usually there’s that week in between where we’re cleaning.

Miranda [00:17:46]:
We’re trying to relax. Maybe we’re back to work. And then you’re like, oh my gosh. It’s January in, like, 3 minutes. I have to set goals. Like, no. Thank you. Why don’t we, this year, do it now? Right? Set some goals for your life.

Miranda [00:17:59]:
Set yourself up for success. Set the scene. Take the pressure off. Be more realistic about the time you have and the goals you have for yourself and really start to build that momentum for the new year. So when January 1 hits, you’re like, woo hoo. I’m already awesome. Maybe I’ll add one little thing. Maybe I’ll tweak something I’m already doing, but you don’t have to set and change your whole life.

Miranda [00:18:24]:
Right? January 1, this is really what it happens and what it comes down to. When I work with people, They’re all like, I gotta change my life starting January. I’m like, why a, why are we waiting? And, b, why do you gotta change your whole life? You’re not gonna do it in January. So then by time January 12th, 15th, 30th comes around, you feel yucky, and you’re like, I’m so disappointed in myself. Let’s not do that this year. Alright? Let’s not be disappointed in ourselves. Let’s build the momentum starting now. So what’s one thing based on everything you heard here, all the suggestions, reading the books, starting a new routine, learning a language, doing your LinkedIn profile.

Miranda [00:19:02]:
What’s one thing you can do from now until January 1st that you think will boost your confidence in your holiday spirit this season. Alright, friends. I’d love to hear it. Thank you so much for spending another day with me. I am just so blessed that I am in your ears, in your hearts, and in your minds. And until next week, continue to be awesome.

Miranda VonFricken
Miranda VonFricken; Founder of Own Your Awesome!â„¢ A podcast, best-selling book, and global movement attracting and expanding women at work, at home, and online!

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