Vision Boards… Fact or Fiction – Episode 14
Welcome back to another electrifying episode of "Own Your Awesome" with your host, Miranda Von Frickin! Today, we're diving deep into the world of vision boards and the power of manifestation. In this episode titled "Vision Boards... Fact or Fiction…

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In the world of personal development and goal setting, vision boards stand out as one of the more popular tools for manifesting dreams. From celebrities to entrepreneurs, many people swear by the power of visualizing their goals. But does it truly work? Let’s dive deep into the realm of vision boards to understand their real impact and how to maximize their potential.

The Allure of Vision Boards

A vision board, often filled with images, quotes, and other items that represent one’s goals and desires, serves as a visual representation of what you wish to achieve. The idea is simple: by constantly seeing these images, you keep your goals at the forefront of your mind. Miranda Von Frickin, in her podcast episode “Vision Boards… Fact or Fiction ;),” passionately discusses her love for vision boards and their potential to shape one’s reality.

Miranda shares her experience with vision boards, noting how they act as a reminder of her aspirations, driving her to take the necessary actions to bring those dreams to life. By creating a visual representation of what you want, you essentially keep your goals active in your subconscious.

The Misconception of Passive Manifestation

However, a common misconception that Miranda addresses is the notion that merely placing an image on a board will magically manifest your desires. She humorously remarks, “I think it’s very unrealistic to assume that you cut out a picture in a magazine and you put it on a board and you walk away from it, and next thing you know, it shows up.” The truth is, manifestation is not just a passive act; it requires concerted effort and a strategic approach.

The Balance of Manifestation and Action

Miranda emphasizes the importance of blending goal visualization with actionable steps. To put it simply, “vision boards don’t work unless you do.” This means that while creating a vision board can ignite motivation and provide clarity, it will not replace the need for hard work and strategy. For instance, if someone envisions owning a house with a fancy pool, they need to not only visualize it but also work towards it, such as investing in their career, saving money, and making the right connections.

Miranda shares an illustrative example from her life: she created a vision board for her husband, filled with his desires like owning a 4-door Jeep and a luxurious washer and dryer set. Despite his nonchalant approach towards the board, over time, many of the items materialized. But these manifestations were a product of consistent effort, prioritization, and financial planning—confirming that it’s the blend of vision and action that brings results.

Strategies to Enhance Your Vision Board’s Effectiveness

1. Clarity and Specificity: Ensure that your vision board clearly represents your goals. Specificity helps form a clear mental image, making it easier to identify actionable steps.

2. Regular Interaction: Engage with your vision board daily. This interaction keeps your goals fresh in your mind and serves as a daily reminder to take steps towards achieving them.

3. Actionable Steps: Break down each vision into smaller, actionable goals. For example, if your goal is to get into shape, include steps like exercising regularly and maintaining a healthy diet alongside your vision of a fit body.

4. Adapt and Evolve: Your goals might change over time, and that’s okay. Regularly review and update your vision board to reflect your evolving aspirations and the milestones you’ve achieved.

5. Emotional Connection: Connect emotionally with the images and words on your board. Believing in your vision with your heart creates a powerful motivational drive that pushes you towards your goals.

Dealing with Unfulfilled Visions

What happens when a goal from your vision board hasn’t come to fruition, even after years of effort? Miranda tackles this tough question by suggesting a few options:

Reevaluate the Goal: Determine if the goal is still relevant and meaningful to you. Sometimes our desires change, and it’s important to update the vision board to reflect your current aspirations.

Double Down: If the goal remains significant, consider intensifying your efforts. Seek more effective strategies, professional guidance, or additional resources.

Release and Refocus: If a goal no longer serves you, it might be time to let it go and redirect your energy towards newer, more aligned aspirations.


Vision boards can be incredibly powerful tools for manifesting dreams, but their true magic lies in their ability to inspire action. By maintaining clarity, taking consistent steps, and staying emotionally connected to your goals, you can turn your visions into reality. Remember, it’s the combination of visualization and hard work that ultimately leads to success.

As you craft your vision board, keep these insights in mind and let it be a dynamic roadmap guiding you towards your dreams. Continue this conversation with Miranda on LinkedIn or Instagram and share your vision board experiences. Together, let’s make those dreams happen!



Miranda [00:00:00]:
Hello. Hello. And welcome to another episode of Own Your Awesome. I’m your podcast host, Miranda Von Frickin. I am legit fired up for this conversation. Let me tell you why. I posted on LinkedIn, as I have in the past, about my love of vision boards and how they’re such a phenomenal tool when it comes to creating the life of your dreams and achieving your goals. The post I put out and maybe I’ll link it in the show notes if I know how.

Miranda [00:00:39]:
Or go to LinkedIn because it literally was like a week ago. Go to LinkedIn and scroll down and find the graphic of me with my mouth open in shock saying vision boards don’t work unless you do. There was an awesome conversation that happened in the comments. I’d love for you to join it. It’s never too late, of course, or start this conversation on your own about how the power of manifesting doesn’t just happen by itself. I am not anti manifesting by any stretch of the imagination. And I’m literally in an intuitive group right now where we are calling in free things, we are finding the things in our world that are happening currently that we have potentially manifested from the past, bringing it into the future. And I didn’t Google the definition of manifesting, but there is this concept of put something on a board and it’ll just appear.

Miranda [00:01:41]:
And this woman that I had a conversation with, who looks fabulous, tons of years of experience, looks like she really did call in amazing things into her life, It looks like she wanted to go to battle. And I didn’t call that in, let me tell you, because I’m a love, not war kinda girl. But I’m always open to these conversations, and I love debate. It was, like, my favorite college class. And I’m not gonna get into the statistics of manifesting versus hard work. But there are a lot of people out there who are uneducated about manifestation. I’m not saying she’s one of them. She wrote a book on it.

Miranda [00:02:21]:
Like, I’m actually gonna buy it. I can’t wait to read it and dive in. But I I have done vision boards for years. And as proof of myself, putting something on a board and just leaving it there and never doing anything to make that vision come true is unhealthy to say that can happen. I think it’s very unrealistic to assume that you cut out a picture in a magazine and you put it on a board and you walk away from it, and next thing you know, it shows up, which is funny for me to say because in our last episode, if you listened, I said a prayer and 20 minutes later, the results happened. So was that me manifesting that to happen? I don’t know. I think it was god’s work through me. I think it was probably already in the works, but I don’t think I do wonder if I didn’t ask for that if it would have happened anyway, more than likely.

Miranda [00:03:18]:
But I don’t think I manifested it. I think there is a 100% positive effects of manifestation, but I think there’s gotta be a strategy behind it. There’s that balance of feminine and masculine and the energy of the results we get in our world. Manifestation, I think, is a very feminine act because it isn’t just passive. It’s an act. Right? So I’m not saying you don’t have to literally do something to manifest your thinking, your visualizing. I’m such a fan of it. But I also think just praying for something or just manifesting, say, a house, like she was talking about with a fancy pool and all the bells and whistles, it didn’t just happen.

Miranda [00:04:03]:
She didn’t put it on her board, and it showed up. I don’t care what she says. She has a 19, 20 year career making tons of money and being awesome at work and strategizing and helping others to do the same. She has to pay her mortgage. Right? Like, you have to pay your mortgage. You can’t just manifest the house. And if you win the house, like, let’s say you win the house in a, like, a sweepstakes, you had to enter the sweepstakes. So there is actually something you have to do.

Miranda [00:04:38]:
Not only did you have to enter the sweepstakes, you had to find it. Or maybe it came a maybe it came to you, because I do believe that. I do believe if you say to yourself, I wanna win $1,000,000, something may appear in an ad somewhere for you to enter to win $1,000,000. I do believe that. That’s the part of the man the manifestation part that I fully buy into and I’m all about. But I also had to speak it out loud. I had to pray on it for it to show up. Maybe because the phone had to hear me say it.

Miranda [00:05:09]:
Just send me that advertisement ad. Right? But I also believe if I just let it pass me by, no one’s gonna walk to my front door and say, here are the keys to your new house. Here is a $1,000,000. You had to enter something, whether it was in the past, your name got on an email list, or you literally entered it in order to win. I’m going I’m I’m gonna go on a tangent, or I just went on a tangent because I’m just fired up because it just happened, and I’m posting this probably a couple days after. I’m fired up because I so believe I don’t even know which all of her work is yet, though. So I’m gonna leave her in the past. Check out the post if you’re curious how that conversation went.

Miranda [00:05:53]:
I’m sure by the time you’re hearing this, there was a few more back and forths, whether privately in DMs or throughout her content. I did call her out, though, because she talks about the book she wrote, that literally tells people how to do this. But it’s funny to me because she obviously had to write the book. She had to do the work to write the book in order for she had to sell it. She had to market it. Let’s be honest. There was work to do to tell people. And it’s gonna take work for the people to buy the book, to read the book and to implement the work she talks about.

Miranda [00:06:26]:
That’s a lot of work right there. That’s not just manifesting. So I think she and I may have different definitions of manifesting, which in the end, potentially, it may all come together and be the same, and we could be our new bet this could be my new best buddy. I don’t even know. I’m in the middle of the conversation now, so check it out to see how it ends. I’m curious too. But let’s move forward with manifesting and vision boarding. I love, love vision boarding.

Miranda [00:06:53]:
I run a class every single year in person and virtually, and I teach women how to create a vision board that works for them. It’s not just a pretty piece of artwork on the wall that we forget about, and years later, something shows up. It’s a a beautiful vision quest that we go on, and that is the visual representation of all of our hopes and dreams and aspirations. But now we have to figure out, who do I need to become to achieve these things? What’s the strategy? What steps do I need to take in order to achieve these things? Of course, we’re gonna pray for it. Of course, we’re gonna ask for it. We’re gonna put it out on social media. We’re gonna tell our friends and family. We’re going to take a class if we need a class.

Miranda [00:07:38]:
We’re going to network and meet the right people. We’re going to do the work to make it easier to for us to call it in and make it happen. The work doesn’t just make it easier and condense the time. It tells the universe that this is legit, that you want this, that you are willing to to sacrifice, to schedule, to strategize, to invest in yourself through coaching, through classes, you know, through whatever you have to buy. Doing the work, investing in this goal, in this vision is what really makes it pop out of the board and into reality. So I’m curious. Have you made a vision board for 2023? How is it looking so far? It’s not too late to make these things happen or to set yourself up in order for them to happen next year. There’s a few different things I teach when it comes to vision boarding.

Miranda [00:08:34]:
Of course, an aesthetically pleasing piece of artwork will and you know what? I feel like I’m insulting it by calling it artwork. Really, what it is a piece. It’s a piece, and I call it art because it’s beautiful to look at. Right? It’s very artistic and creative, but it is more than a piece of art. It’s a resource. It’s a tool that we use to keep us focused, to keep us energized, to keep us praying about the things that are on that board, to keep us moving towards those end goals or becoming the person that’s going to achieve those things. The second thing, besides it being a resource, is you need to learn the strategy behind vision boarding. How are you gonna use your vision board? Don’t just put it on your wall and walk away from it.

Miranda [00:09:17]:
Put it on your wall. And there’s things you can do daily, every single day that you can do to activate that vision, to activate that peace, that tool, that resource within you. And then the third thing you really need to do, what I really dove into is what happens when it doesn’t happen? What happens to our mindset, to our heart and soul when something on that board doesn’t happen and it’s been on the board for 6 frigging years? Do we release it? Do what do we do right away? Like right? Like, we create a 2023 board, and by 2024, we’re figuring out what we’re keeping on the board, what we’re getting rid of. We change as humans all the time. Do we release that goal and that vision because it’s no longer for us? Do we find it and give it to somebody else? You know, what is it that we need to do if we realize it’s not happening? This is not giving up. This is not throwing in the towel. Maybe we gotta double down. Maybe it’s the only thing we put on our vision board.

Miranda [00:10:19]:
But what happens when it’s been years and it’s not happening? Do we probably need to restrategize? We need to configure. We need to get a coach. We need to go to therapy. We need to figure something out, either to make it work or to release it. So there’s a lot of things that I teach about vision boarding that goes well beyond simple manifestation, because I’m sure you have a vision board in your home right now or in your office or as your wallpaper on your cell phone that you’ve forgotten about. Little items on there. I have a vision board right now in my office. Her her name is Vi.

Miranda [00:10:55]:
I talk about her all the time. And I sometimes if I’ve gone months without, like, really looking at her because I get busy and life takes over and I’m a sports mom, I’ll look at it and I’ll be like, oh my god. I totally forgot that was on the board. I totally forgot that I wanted to call in a beautiful new bedroom set, you know, or something, like, you know, something trivial that I could just go buy. But I’m trying to call it in. I’m not trying to call in a free bedroom set. I’m just saying there’s gonna be a time when the it’s gonna happen, where I’m gonna redo my room. But before I can get the bedroom set, I wanna paint it.

Miranda [00:11:27]:
And before I can paint it, I really should focus on the downstairs. I could easily buy a new bedroom set, but I wanna keep it on the vision board because, ultimately, I wanna sleep in luxury. And when it’s time for me to have that, I’m gonna make it happen. My bedroom is not just gonna, all of a sudden, magically reappear in in the aesthetic that I’m dreaming of. I have to go buy the stuff. I’ve gotta design it. I’ve gotta paint the walls. I have to do those things.

Miranda [00:11:56]:
I could go on all day about the power of vision boards and not only what it can do for you, but what it can do for the people around us. Because every time we achieve a goal, it affects the people in our circle, and I want that for you. So find me on social. Let’s continue this conversation. If you listen to this episode and went back to LinkedIn and happen to see that conversation that happened between myself and this other woman, don’t nag on her. Don’t rag on her. Don’t give her shit. Don’t be like, Marietta’s awesome.

Miranda [00:12:31]:
Get off her back. No. This is a great conversation. This is healthy. This is beautiful. She’s a wonderful woman, and I am awesome myself, but this is how I own my awesome, is by speaking my truth and educating based on my experience, as is she. However, it’s okay to have 2 conflicting views and still be very successful both ways. I’m not saying you cannot manifest whatever you want on your board.

Miranda [00:12:58]:
I’ve seen it happen for myself, for my husband. I’ve got this funny story that I’ll tell quick. My I made a vision board for my husband one time based on all the the conversations we’ve had about him wanting to own a pizza shop and wanting to get a 4 door Jeep and wanting, like, those beautiful washer and dryers that are, like, matching in color, like, red or whatever. It’s hilarious. The things that he said he wanted, but would never buy for himself because he thought they were frivolous or it just would never happen. He is not of the manifesting mindset, but I am, and I knew I could I could help this along for him or at least put it in front of him where he could see it, so he could work towards it and dream of it and be motivated by it when he goes to work every day. So I make him this vision board, and we move, like, a year later. And he puts it in the attic, and he puts it in storage and blah blah blah.

Miranda [00:13:51]:
I’m lying. I reversed that. I made him the vision board. He puts it in the attic, which wasn’t like a dirty attic. It was like a a storage playroom. Had a carpet. It was a whole thing. We redid the attic.

Miranda [00:14:02]:
So he puts it up there where he had, like, a second dresser, and he would go get socks or whatever and see it, whatever. Didn’t think much of it. Ended up it got moved. It got put to the side after time had progressed. Eventually, we bought a new house, and we’re moving the things in the attic. And he he finds it because it had been covered. He finds it, and he’s like, holy shit. He comes downstairs, and he’s like, Miranda, I’ve achieved or he actually what he said was, like, 5 or 6 of these things have actually happened.

Miranda [00:14:31]:
No. He doesn’t own a pizza shop, but he did get a Jeep. We did eventually get new washer and dryer. I don’t remember what else was on it, but there was, like, a couple more things that actually happened, and he hadn’t even been looking at it. It was just maybe I put it on his heart by making it, and so he, like, thought of it sporadically. But was it the board that manifested his jeep, or was it the fact that he wanted a jeep and worked every day and finally got to the point where he could afford that new fancy 4 door jeep? You know what I mean? Like, so that’s I believe in the power of the vision board, but I also believe that he went to work every day. He paid down debt, and he got to a place that he could achieve that goal with or without the vision board. So, again, I could talk all day about this.

Miranda [00:15:19]:
My thought is if you ultimately want to achieve the things that are on your heart, you can’t just put them on a board and wish for them to happen. You have to do the work. You have to get off the couch. You’ve gotta turn off Netflix. You’ve gotta go for the walk. You’ve gotta hit the gym. You gotta drink the water. You gotta I mean, trust me.

Miranda [00:15:39]:
If I can manifest some abs, I will put this chick to the challenge. Like, I will man I will visualize having abs again and see what happens. However, it’s not gonna happen. Let’s be honest. I gotta do the work. So I’m still gonna visualize the physique I’m looking for, but I’m also gonna go do the work, put on my sneakers every day, drink the water every day, and I’m gonna continue to pray for it, but I’m going to collaborate with the work. So the work plus the vision is what actually helps you to achieve your dreams, be completely awesome, and own it 100%. Find me on Instagram.

Miranda [00:16:17]:
Find me on LinkedIn. Let’s continue this conversation. Thank you so much. I can’t wait to hear your thoughts. And until next time, keep being your awesome self.

Miranda VonFricken
Miranda VonFricken; Founder of Own Your Awesome!â„¢ A podcast, best-selling book, and global movement attracting and expanding women at work, at home, and online!

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