Own Your Personal Power! – Episode 6
Welcome back, listeners, to another empowering episode of "Own Your Awesome" with your host, Miranda Von Frickin! Today, we're diving deep into a transformative journey as Miranda shares how she navigated the challenging "in between" phases of life. She opens…

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Life is a journey often filled with moments where we feel stuck in the “in-between.” These are periods where we’re waiting for clarity, direction, or some form of significant change. Miranda Von Fricken, host of the podcast “Own Your Awesome,” recently explored her own experiences during these intervals and provided valuable insights on how to own your personal power even when things seem uncertain. This blog post will delve deeper into the themes discussed in episode 6, offering practical advice on how to make the most out of the in-between moments in life.

1. Understanding the In-Between

We’ve all been there: those frustrating times when it feels like life is on pause. You’re waiting for a job offer, a medical diagnosis, or clarity on a major decision. Unlike the hustle and bustle of achieving clear objectives, these in-between periods can feel uncertain and disorienting.

Miranda shared her personal struggle with these moments. Rather than succumbing to the despair that often accompanies these times, she chose to see them as opportunities for reflection and self-improvement. Through this shift in perspective, she discovered that we possess far more power than we realize, even when it seems like everything is on hold.

2. Embracing Your Humanity

One of the themes Miranda touches on is the concept of embracing our humanity. It’s easy to fall into the trap of self-criticism, especially during times of uncertainty. By acknowledging our limitations and imperfections, we can better appreciate our strengths and cultivate patience.

Miranda emphasized that being “only human” doesn’t mean we’re powerless. Instead, it confirms that we have the capacity to navigate through difficulties using our unique abilities and mindsets. Understanding this can be a key factor in transforming your in-between moments into periods of growth and empowerment.

3. The Power of Patience and Faith

Patience is often described as a virtue, and for good reason. When navigating life’s in-between moments, patience enables us to pause, reflect, and make informed decisions. When paired with faith—whether spiritual or otherwise—it becomes a guiding light through uncertainty.

Miranda discussed her reliance on prayer and bold faith to get through her in-between period, stressing the importance of spiritual and emotional grounding. Faith isn’t just a religious concept; it can also mean faith in oneself, in the journey, and in the broader picture. Developing this faith can help you find peace even in the waiting periods.

4. Taking Action in the Waiting

Although waiting can be agonizing, there are productive ways to channel your energy. Miranda suggests that keeping active and engaged can help alleviate the impatience associated with these times. From simple tasks like cleaning out a closet to more significant actions like reevaluating your career goals, staying busy keeps your mind focused and your spirit lifted.

She highlighted the importance of taking small steps to improve various aspects of life. Whether it’s organizing your space, mending clothes, or even starting new projects, each action contributes to a sense of progression and control.

5. Uncovering Your Personal Power

Miranda’s key takeaway is the realization of how much power we actually wield. Often, we underestimate our ability to influence our circumstances and find joy in small victories. She encourages everyone to recognize their potential for creating change, no matter how trivial it may seem.

This empowerment comes from within and can be cultivated through consistent practice. Engage in activities that uplift you, build meaningful connections with others, and continue to challenge yourself. The momentum you create in the in-between times can carry you forward into your next chapter.

6. Practical Steps to Own Your Awesome

Miranda concluded her podcast by encouraging her listeners to take concrete actions toward their goals. Here are some steps to help you harness your power:

Audit Your Life: Identify what you love, what doesn’t serve you, and what you aspire to change.
Small Wins: Focus on one actionable step you can take today to move closer to your goals.
Network: Surround yourself with supportive, like-minded individuals who inspire you.
Seek Guidance: Whether through mentors, coaches, or self-help resources, never hesitate to seek advice.

Miranda’s overarching message is to “own your awesome,” a call to recognize and embrace the strength, potential, and uniqueness you bring to the world.

Final Thoughts

Life’s in-between moments are not just anticlimactic pit-stops but powerful intervals where essential growth happens. By embracing our humanity, practicing patience and faith, and taking meaningful action, we can turn these waiting periods into opportunities for profound self-evolution.

Remember, you have more power than you think. Use it to steer your life in the direction of your dreams and aspirations. As Miranda advocates, let’s start owning our awesome today.

Thank you for engaging with these thoughts inspired by “Own Your Awesome” with Miranda Von Fricken. Share your journey and stay connected with Miranda on LinkedIn or Instagram, and continue the conversation in your quest to own your personal power.



Miranda [00:00:01]:
Hello. Hello. And welcome to the next episode of Own Your Awesome. I’m your host, Miranda Von Frickin. Today, I wanna talk about my experience in the in between, which was a previous episode. And so scroll down and listen to that in between one if you want to prior to this, if you haven’t yet. And then the reason for it is because the other day, I felt I felt a change. I felt myself coming out of the in between.

Miranda [00:00:32]:
And I gave it a few days to process to make sure it was legit before I spoke to anyone about it. And the reason was for a couple things. There are waves and flows and ebbs and all over the places in this game of life, as well as entrepreneurship and in careers, parenting, you name it. Nothing is always balanced and centered at all times. So I’ve been doing a lot of reflecting on what it was like during the in between and what I did to embrace it because that was a huge change for me. I don’t typically embrace in betweens. I typically freak out. In the past, I would just feel very dark and low and I’d get down on myself and I would put all the heavy blame on me for being in the in between and not knowing, not having complete clarity.

Miranda [00:01:31]:
But this time, I did something a little different. And whether it was because of that huge experience, spiritual experience that I had a few weeks ago, or whether it’s just I learned to really embrace the humanity that I am. There’s a saying, we’re only human, right? We’re human means we are flawed and limited and we don’t always have certain powers to change things that we want, but we do have power. And I think that’s the thing I’ve realized this time around and want to share. We may only be human, but we have more power than we think to embrace the in between, to come through the other side, no matter what’s happening in our life, to find joy in the little moments, even those dark ones. There’s always something that we could find to shine a little light to start to break through. The power that we have comes in great and small forms. The power of patience, the power of faith, the power of family, the power of our voice, the power of our mind to think through and strategize, the power of our spirit, the power of faith.

Miranda [00:02:55]:
We have so much more power. And although the level of that power wanes based on what’s happening around us, we have the power to change whatever is happening. We have the power to change ourselves, which in turn changes things around us. So during this in between, I learned to embrace it and I said to myself, what can I be doing while I’m waiting? And, of course, prayer is always the top of my list. So I prayed often. I prayed hard. I prayed boldly. And then after a while, let’s just go with because I’m human, I kind of was like, alright, I’m praying.

Miranda [00:03:37]:
What’s happening? Nothing. Nothing was changing. And I felt almost like it was just too long. I was waiting too long for that change that was supposed to happen, the clarity that was supposed to come that I was praying for. And I know I’m not alone. I’ve spoken to many people about while in the waiting, whether it’s for a diagnosis, whether it’s for a decision to be made at work, whether it’s for a conversation you’re meant to have with a spouse or a loved one or your child or a family member. There’s a lot of waiting that we do, but there’s also stuff we can do while in the waiting and it makes the waiting go a little bit faster. So I actually kind of struggled with that.

Miranda [00:04:23]:
Although, in the beginning, it was fantastic. I was like, Yay, let’s embrace the waiting. But then as time progressed, I started getting impatient. And whenever we feel a certain way, to me, it becomes a prompt to figure out why I feel that way and how I can feel the opposite. So if I was feeling impatient, how can I start to be patient? What can I do? What helps me to be patient? And it was activity. Doing things that I think are right in the moment helped me to become a little less, focused on the impatience that I was feeling. So, obviously, that’s a huge trick for me to be able to just stay active in my mind, because, of course, the days fly by anyway, but they might as well fly by while you’re doing something very productive or something that helps. So I did little things like rearrange my backyard.

Miranda [00:05:22]:
I’d clean out a closet. I’d sew buttons on the pants that the buttons fell off of or holes in shirts and stuff. I’d, you know, give the dogs a bath. Like, there’s little things we can be doing to progress our life forward while we’re waiting. And while sometimes it seems too long, next thing you know, there’s a switch that happens, and you could be super grateful for that switch. For me, the switch came through clarity, through a conversation I had with a client that made me feel so free to be able to change what we were doing together. Some offerings that I have in my business no longer serve me and actually exhaust me. So I had made some changes to my services.

Miranda [00:06:07]:
I’m now doing more of what I love, and I will be doing even more of that because of the changes that I had made. And it’s funny looking back. I always knew that I wasn’t happy with certain offerings that I had. And maybe if you’re a 9 to fiver, maybe you know you’re not completely fulfilled by the work you’re doing or at the location you’re doing it with that organization. Or, you know, maybe you come home and you just kind of chill and do nothing until it’s time to go back to work so you’re not super fulfilled by your home life. There are things we already know that we have the power to take action on. And so, yes, while we’re only human, I do want to remind us of how much power we actually have. We have the power to create change.

Miranda [00:07:00]:
We have the power to find joy. We have the power to find solutions and resources and ask questions. We have the people around us. If you listen to my last episode about the people we surround ourselves with, if you had taken action on that, fantastic. Now, you know the people you need to surround yourself with. If you didn’t listen to it, go back and listen to that episode and work through those challenges. But we have the power to create the life we were called to live. If you don’t know what that actually means, this is the work I do.

Miranda [00:07:39]:
I help people to find their calling in life. And if you’re not in a place to be able to work with someone, I totally get it. You can do some of this work on your own. You can survey and audit what you’re actually doing today, what you love, what you don’t love, what you want more of. I often ask the question, if you won the Mega Millions tomorrow, what would you be doing? Of course, I’d be traveling and shopping and helping other people throughout the world. But what would you be doing after that? Right? So say you win the the Mega Millions and a year passes. You’ve had fun. You’ve paid off your debt.

Miranda [00:08:18]:
You’ve done all the things. You’ve donated the money. You’ve traveled. And now it’s time to get back to, like, regular life. What would you actually be doing? Say it wasn’t such a huge amount that you couldn’t work again. Like, you had to still go back to work, you know, for whatever reason. Maybe you won, like, 2,000,000. You didn’t win, like, 200,000,000.

Miranda [00:08:41]:
And and you and you wanna go back to work. Right? Assuming you wanna go back to work or you want to do something with your life because maybe it’s starting a charity. Maybe it’s not act it’s still work, but it’s it’s a different it looks different. So what would that look like? Sit down, meditate on it. What would it look like? And then what can you do today that gets you in that direction? You don’t have to actually win the Mega Millions to live the life you’re called to live. I found that out the hard way. When all these tickets I get are not winners, I realized that I may not be, the next Mega Million jackpot winner. So I have to start taking steps and taking control and owning my power if I’m ever gonna truly own my awesome.

Miranda [00:09:28]:
So, friends, my challenge to you today is to figure out, if you don’t already know, what is one step you can do today, one little thing that will move you in that direction of your calling and the life you’re meant to live. I want you to recognize the power that you have to take just one step? Is it one conversation? Is it connecting with one right person? Is it dusting off your resume? Is it working with someone like me who can help draw that out of you and help you to answer those questions for yourself to move you forward? Is it starting a business? Is it kicking your side hustle up a notch? Is it joining a networking club where you’re surrounded by new people every single month? What is that one thing? I wanna hear from you. Find me on Instagram, miranda.vonfricken, v o n, freaking. Or find me on LinkedIn. Of course, that’s where I live. It’s at Miranda vonfricken on LinkedIn as well. And let’s talk about it. Let’s have this conversation.

Miranda [00:10:36]:
Tell me what that one thing would be, and maybe I can connect you to a resource to help you get there. Because it’s one thing to know, but it’s a whole another thing to go. So let’s go. Thank you so much for listening to this episode of Own Your Awesome. I love, truly love, that you are part of this community and that you are starting to own your awesome. Until next time.

Miranda VonFricken
Miranda VonFricken; Founder of Own Your Awesome!™ A podcast, best-selling book, and global movement attracting and expanding women at work, at home, and online!

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