Own Your Expansion – Episode 25
Welcome back to the Own Your Awesome podcast with your host, Miranda Von Frickin. In today's episode, "Own Your Expansion," Miranda dives deep into the journey of leveling up in life and the inevitable challenges that come with it. She…

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Leveling up in life is akin to climbing a mountain. Each new altitude brings its own challenges. In this episode of the “Own Your Awesome” podcast, host Miranda Von Fricken delves into the intricacies of personal growth and the inevitable obstacles that accompany our quest for success. She offers a roadmap to help navigate these challenges, using compelling stories and practical advice to inspire us to keep climbing.

The Reality of Opposition

Miranda kicks off the episode by stating an almost universal truth: obstacles are an inherent part of leveling up. Whether it’s losing a job, facing a health scare, or experiencing emotional turmoil, opposition will come in various forms.

 “You wanna level up, there’s gonna be people who are going to try to stop you or not support you,” Miranda says. “You wanna level up, you’re going to try to stop yourself.”

This recognition is crucial because it sets the stage for understanding that success isn’t handed to us; it’s something we must fight for.

The Tools We Need

One of Miranda’s key points is the necessity of equipping ourselves with the right tools for this journey. Personal development books, spiritual practices, and professional courses all play a role in fortifying us against life’s challenges.

“It’s through professional development, reading, and listening to podcasts like this, following people, and engaging with people who are a few steps in front of me,” Miranda advises.

These tools don’t just help us reach our goals; they prepare us to sustain our new levels of achievement. Just as Miranda points out, losing weight is one thing, but maintaining that weight loss requires ongoing effort and vigilance.

The Power of Community

No one achieves greatness alone, and Miranda emphasizes the importance of a supportive community. From coaches and mentors to like-minded individuals, surrounding yourself with people who have been where you want to go can be an invaluable asset.

Miranda champions the idea of engaging in masterminds, hiring a coach, and seeking guidance from people who are a few steps ahead:

 “Listening to podcasts and reading the books are fantastic, but get in a mastermind, grab a coach, DM me. We’ll have a conversation. I’m here for you.”

 Mental Preparedness: Embracing Fear and Opposition

Miranda also touches on the mental aspect of leveling up, highlighting the necessity of preparedness and resilience. By expecting opposition and preparing for it, we can overcome obstacles with greater ease. This concept is neatly captured in her practical exercise: listing your goals alongside potential obstacles and formulating solutions in advance.

 “When we know in advance that we are gonna come up against opposition and we’ve already armed ourselves with the solution, ain’t nothing stopping us.”

Real-World Stories of Overcoming Opposition

In sharing a personal anecdote about “Sarah,” Miranda illustrates the formidable power of mindset and inner dialogue. “Sarah” as it turns out, is Miranda herself—a clever narrative technique designed to show how even experienced coaches encounter self-doubt and opposition.

The story vividly encapsulates the inner battle between fear and ambition:

“After an ugly cry, really aggressive prayer, a bold prayer, and some quiet time, she realized, [expletive] no. This is for her.”

Keep Climbing, Keep Expanding

Miranda’s message is clear: each new level of success brings with it new challenges, but also new opportunities for growth. The opposition isn’t just something to overcome; it’s a test to make sure we are ready for what lies ahead.

“Am I willing to accept this new level that I’ve achieved, that’s been handed to me, that has been laid out for me?” she asks, affirming that the answer should always be a resounding “hell yeah.”

Final Thoughts: Own Your Awesome

As the episode wraps up, Miranda leaves us with a call to action to embrace our journey, warts and all.

“If there’s something on your heart and it scares you, then it’s for you.”

This episode of “Own Your Awesome” serves as both a guide and a pep talk for anyone looking to expand their life, surmount the obstacles in their path, and truly own their awesome. Whether you’re facing personal or professional challenges, remember: you have the power to break through, level up, and bring others along for the ride. Keep pushing, keep fighting, and as Miranda puts it, keep being fabulous.



Miranda [00:00:00]:
Hello. Hello. And welcome to another episode of the Own Your Awesome podcast. I’m your host, Miranda Von Frickin. Today, I wanna tell you a story about a woman who is leveling up, and no matter what level she gets to, she finds herself up against opposition. Now this is something that’s gonna happen all the time. You wanna level up, you gotta break through the obstacle. You wanna level up, there’s gonna be people who are doing to try to stop you or not support you.

Miranda [00:00:36]:
You wanna level up, you’re gonna try to stop yourself. You wanna level up, things are gonna pop in your way that you have to go around, over, through, under. There are going to be obstacles. You are going to be tested. The actual focus is, how will you continue on? There is a woman I’m working with who has been doing the work for years. She has been reading personal development books. She has been praying and leaning into her faith. She has spirit guides.

Miranda [00:01:17]:
She has gurus. She works with energy healers, and she is doing the work. She has leveled up multiple times in her young life. Every time she gets to a new level, something happens. She loses a job. Somebody dies. She gets in a huge fight with her spouse. Her kids are acting crazy, like, you name it, she gets a health scare.

Miranda [00:01:44]:
I mean, you name it, this girl has been through it. And every single time, it stops her inner tracks. You would think now at this point, she would be used to it and maybe this is the moment she says, yes. New level, new devil. That’s not a common phrase for no reason. People obviously feel what that means. Every time we get to a new level, there’s going to be something trying to pull us down. Whether it’s the devil, whether it’s our own insecurities, or our own shame, or doubt, or lack and limiting beliefs, there will always be something in our way blocking us to the next level.

Miranda [00:02:31]:
It’s up to us to take that next step to really like, what is it? Like, hunker down and just, like, pull from within the depths of our soul. If what you truly desire is for you, there’s still gonna be opposition. It’s not gonna be easy. I remember thinking, like, wow. Like, it should be easier. If it’s for me, then it it should just be natural because it’s already a part of my plan. It’s already faded. It’s what God wants for me.

Miranda [00:03:05]:
It should be easy to step right into this new level of self, but that’s not always the case. We’re often tested by the universe, God, by ourselves, by the cosmos, whatever you want to call it. We are often tested to make sure that this is truly what you want and that you’re willing to do the work to maintain it. Because when you get to a new level, you have a higher calling. You’re expanded in a way that other people are now gonna be magnetized to you and you have to be strong enough, willing enough, capable enough to sustain not only your level, but maybe calling them up as well. Because we’re not here to get to a high level and see that nobody’s around us. That’s not what this is about. As we rise, we bring others with us.

Miranda [00:04:02]:
So the universe wants to know that you’re able and capable and willing to maintain your level of excellence, of success, and bring people with you. Are you strong enough to not only bust through the obstacle in front of you, but to maintain it, to hold space, to expand in such a way that others are brought into your circle and feel the energy and just rise up with you? Today, I wanted to talk about the obstacles in front of us, whether they’re perceived, whether they’re people, whether they’re, you know, professional, whether they’re, like, little things, like, I I gotta find a babysitter so I I can’t go or, like, excuses we put on our on ourselves or whether they’re, like, seemingly things completely out of our hands, like the loss of a job or the loss of a loved one. When we are ready to level up, we feel it and there’s gonna be things in our way. Some of them we can control and some of them we can’t. But either way we have the power within us to break through those obstacles to tell the universe, yeah, this is for me. Thank you and I’ll have another. How do we get to that point? How do we get to the point where we’re saying, yes, please. I’ll have some more and be able to handle it with grace.

Miranda [00:05:33]:
This is how I’ve been doing it for years. It’s through professional development. It’s through reading and listening to podcasts like this one, following people and engaging with people who have been there, who are a few steps in front of me, Not light years ahead of me where it feels so unrealistic, but working with people who are just a few years ahead of me, who can relate to what I’m currently going through, and help me see the other side. I know I shouted her out in my last podcast episode, but Jess Perillo, find her on Instagram, she has been a godsend to me. She’s a few years in front of me when it comes to the the universal laws of attraction and calling things in and hearing and seeing what’s meant for us and using our intuition in order to fulfill our calling. And it has been a a life changer. Like, every level I ascend to, I hear her voice in my head guiding me. So if you don’t have someone like that, check her out.

Miranda [00:06:40]:
She’s got masterminds. She’s got free courses, free groups. Like, it’s you have to find someone who can help you get there because you can’t do it alone. Like, listening to podcasts and reading the books are fantastic, but get in a mastermind, grab a coach, DM me. We’ll have a conversation. I’m here for you. Like, you can’t do it alone. So new level, new devil? Yeah.

Miranda [00:07:03]:
Absolutely. But guess what? This new level, I’m not achieving it on my own. I’m bringing people with me, and we are armed and fabulous. So let’s talk about you being ready to level up and what you’re going to come up against. It’s always gonna be opposition. It’s never gonna be smooth and easy. The universe is gonna wanna make sure that you’re willing to do the work because think about weight loss. Right? This is the easiest thing I feel like I can compare it to.

Miranda [00:07:35]:
They say losing weight is easy. It’s the maintenance phase that’s actually the hardest because you lose the weight, you get to a goal. Cool. Check that box. And then if you allow those old habits to creep in, that weight’s gonna come back. And sometimes it comes back, like, twice as aggressively. Right? So the maintenance phase is just as hard, especially if you’re looking to, like, bulk up and muscle. Like, not just, like, get lean, but now we wanna add muscles.

Miranda [00:08:02]:
So it’s like you have to not only achieve the goal and work hard and do it with people, but you have to see a couple goals in front of you. Because as we level up, we don’t have to just stay at that level. Like, yep. Leveled up. Check that box. Feeling good. I mean, you can. You don’t always have to be striving for more.

Miranda [00:08:22]:
But if you’re listening to this podcast, I have a feeling that’s how you roll. Because if you roll with me, you know we’re always leveling up. It’s not a never enough kind of mentality. It’s, I wanna ascend to my highest level and I don’t think I’ll get to that highest level until I’m with God up in heaven. So I’m gonna keep climbing and I’m gonna keep fighting and I’m gonna keep coming up against opposition because now I know it’s a part of the process. So when you prepare for that opposition, then you’re easily able to overcome it or you’re able to lean into the feeling of it and push further. You’re able to, you know, ascend to that next level because you knew it was coming and you’ve got the mode of transportation, you’ve got the tools, you’ve got the resources, and the people who’ve already talked you through it, or you’re at least ready to engage with them in order to bust through that next level. That next level can be as difficult or as kinda easy as you allow it to be.

Miranda [00:09:27]:
If you if you check out my posts on LinkedIn or Instagram lately, you’ll see I posted about a woman named Sarah, how she’s been doing the work. I mentioned her early in the beginning of this. She’s been doing the work. She’s been really leaning into her intuition, praying, meditating, journaling, calling things in. She has been on a winning streak, if you will, and it’s not luck. She’s done the work. She’s laid the foundation for this next level, and she’s calling in things like free trips, 1st class flight tickets that she’s not paying for. She’s calling in new clients.

Miranda [00:10:07]:
She’s calling in a higher revenue. She’s calling in amazing supportive women to her life through masterminds and coaching and networking. She’s calling it all these things. And one of the biggest things had happened to her that she didn’t even she actually put it on her cosmic ordering list, and that’s a whole different thing we could talk about. That suggest thing. Go to her Instagram. She’ll tell you all about it. She put the first thing on her list, and she got it within, like, a week.

Miranda [00:10:36]:
She called it in. Her energy, her vibration matched it, and the universe sent her exactly what she was asking for. And it’s actually bigger than she even imagined. And what happened, she came across opposition. There was something that came an energy that came at her were such a strong negative force that it almost knocked her off her path. She questioned whether this was actually for her. Should she be doing this? Is this completely selfish? Is this not the life for me? Am I not meant to level up? Am I asking for too much? And after an ugly cry and if you read the post, you know what I’m talking about. If you didn’t, I’ll tell you in a second.

Miranda [00:11:22]:
After an ugly cry, really aggressive prayer, a bold prayer, if you will, and some quiet time, she realized, fuck no. This is for her. This other energy, it just wasn’t ready for what she was calling in because they’re 2 different energies, 2 different people, and that’s okay. That’s okay. We’re all on our own path. She is just ready for this next level, and that other person may not have been yet. And this is something I talked through with my coach and I’m so grateful for having spiritual coaches in my corner and with me to help me talk through these things that neither one of those reactions were wrong. They were just right for that person at that time.

Miranda [00:12:10]:
Sarah thought a 100% this is for me. Holy shit. The other energy was like, are you kidding me? And she was shocked by the reaction. Dumbfounded, if you will, but and also, you know, really surprised, to be honest. But that energy, whether it’s the devil, whether it’s a spouse, whether it’s a kid, whether it’s a boss, a coworker, a partner, no matter what is coming at us, no matter what is trying to be that obstacle, that’s that’s what’s for them, and that’s none of our business. And I realized that. And if you haven’t noticed by now because I’m going back and forth between her and I, I am Sarah. I I speak of it as if it’s someone else because I want you to truly understand the level of internal conversation I had to have with myself to break through to the level and say, yes.

Miranda [00:13:13]:
This is for me. So maybe one of the other voices in my head is named Sarah, and that’s how I’m I’m going through it. But there had to be 2 separate conversations in my head, in my heart, within myself. 1 was saying, is this for me? And the other one is saying, fuck yeah. It is for you. And so when I coach myself, I often say, me as a coach said this, and the client said that. A lot of the times, my examples are about me, and this just happens to be one. I really didn’t lay that story out as good as I did in the post.

Miranda [00:13:53]:
So feel free to check out Instagram or LinkedIn and read the post about my client, Sarah, and it’ll it’ll read better than I spoke it. But the whole concept is every time we come up against something, there is going to be an energy and obstacle. The opposition is gonna come and try to block it. No matter this and the bigger the level, the bigger the obstacle. It’s a it’s a energetic match. Right? It’s actually the opposite. It’s not it’s not a match. It’s just the equal and opposite match.

Miranda [00:14:26]:
So what I was calling in was so grand that the opposite, so grand, had to come in to ask me, essentially, in an ugly way, if I’m ready for it, if it’s for me, and if I’m willing to accept it. Am I willing accept this new level that I’ve achieved, that’s been handed to me, that has been laid out for me? And the answer again is hell yeah. This level is for me. I’m taking everybody with me, and that includes you. So I wanted to really hammer home the the thought that every time you level up, you’re going to face opposition, and that’s completely normal. I want you to prepare for it. I want you to, right now, think of the goals you have for yourself this year and ask yourself here’s a real practical exercise I actually do with my clients, not just me, but my clients as well. To let get a piece of paper or pen, lay out all the things you want for yourself, and then instantly say what are the things that are gonna try to stop me? Who were the people? What are the processes? Is it technology? Is it myself? Am I? One of those things that are gonna stop me.

Miranda [00:15:40]:
And then this is actually a keynote I did once. It’s called legit or bullshit. That’s not the keynote title. That’s a game I play within the keynote and the workshop. It’s called legit or bullshit. Is this obstacle a legit obstacle? Is it something that’s really gonna stop me, or is it bullshit? Is it something that’s just in my mind that I’ve made up, which may also be legit, but still, you know the difference when it’s, like, alright. This is an excuse. Like, let’s just move on.

Miranda [00:16:11]:
Or is this an actual obstacle that I need to find a resource for? So list out the goal, then to the right of it, list out the potential obstacle or anything that may come to try to stop this goal from being achieved and then formulate the solution. Because when we know in advance that we are gonna come up against opposition and we’ve already armed ourselves with the solution, ain’t nothing stopping us. It’s a breeze. It’s like a train going through a snow pile. Like, I see that snow pile ahead of me. It may be an ice pile. It may just be fluffy snow. Either way, we’re going full speed through on the train tracks, through the snow.

Miranda [00:16:53]:
And whether it’s hard and it shakes us a little bit or it’s light and fluffy and we just bust right through. My solution is to bust right through, and you do. The train will go right through it. And that’s how I want you to feel in this new year for the rest of your life as you’re leveling up, whether it’s at work and you’re looking for a promotion. There are gonna be negative Nancy’s or Karen’s coming at you trying to stop your promotion. They’re gonna gossip. They’re gonna talk smack. They’re gonna speak over you in meetings.

Miranda [00:17:26]:
They’re gonna talk shit to you about you to your boss. They’re gonna try to tell you to eat more bagels on bagel Friday so you feel lethargic before a presentation. Don’t do it. Don’t do it. That bagel is not for you. Your body don’t want that. You need to Maybe people, maybe processes, maybe something completely out of the blue. Here’s how I’m gonna resolve that.

Miranda [00:17:54]:
Here’s my solution. Be prepared. You want to start a business? There’s gonna be a lot of opposition. You want to write a book? There may be some opposition and it may actually be internally. Trust me. I’ve been there. You wanna go harder on LinkedIn? There may be some opposition. The opposition may be in your mind when nobody responds to you that you need to stop.

Miranda [00:18:15]:
Don’t stop. Keep going. Keep posting. There’s people watching. You’re gonna change someone’s life. Your kid you want your kid to do better in a sport? There’s gonna be opposition with other people telling you you’re pushing your kid too hard. Nope. None of that’s what my what’s for my kid.

Miranda [00:18:32]:
That’s for her. That’s for me. We’re doing it. So trust me. Anything you want in life, if it comes too easy, it wasn’t it wasn’t a big enough goal. If it’s not magical, it’s not for me. Like, if it’s not so big that it stretches me and pushes me past my comfort zone, if it doesn’t expand me, then I’m absolutely in the wrong place. I’m in the wrong room.

Miranda [00:18:58]:
If I walk in and everybody knows me and it’s like, hey, Miranda. Hey, girl. And I’m the celebrity in the room, I’m in the wrong room. If I’m the smartest person, I’m the wrong I’m in the wrong room. Say that to yourself too, man. Like, are you in the right rooms? Are you around the right people? Are you pushing and expanding yourself to greater heights So you’re strong enough for when opposition comes against your next big goal, you are strong and prepared for it. You’ve laid the foundation through professional, personal development. You’ve got the people around you to support you, and you’re gonna be the train, and you’re gonna barrel right through it.

Miranda [00:19:35]:
You’re gonna be like, peace out. You’re gonna be in the window waving with a glass of champagne to that snow pile being like, oh, bye, Fluffy. See you. I’m I’m headed to the next level, and you’re not coming with me. So new level, new devil? Sure. How about new level, new mindset? How about that? How about new level new resource? New level new armor? New level bigger level bigger prayers? Be prepared for your success. Don’t just wish for it. Go out and make it happen.

Miranda [00:20:07]:
Alright, friends. Are you facing opposition? Are you struggling to get through it? Is your train maybe slowing down a little bit because you’re scared? It’s all normal. Take a deep breath. Say a bold prayer. Shoot me a DM on Instagram or LinkedIn. We’ll talk through it. I’m telling you, this is for you. If there’s something on your heart and it scares you, then it’s for you.

Miranda [00:20:31]:
I know you can achieve it. I believe in you. I love you. You’re fabulous. Keep owning your awesome every single day. Keep pushing through because this is for you. Alright. Until next week.

Miranda [00:20:44]:
Thank you so much for listening. If you liked this episode or any of the other episodes, I would absolutely love it if you could leave me a 5 star review on Apple Podcasts reviews. Go into wherever you’re listening. Give a review. Go to your iPhone if you’re listening on the computer. Tell the ethers how amazing I am and how much this episode just leveled you up. I can’t wait to talk to you again next week, and until then, keep being awesome.

Miranda VonFricken
Miranda VonFricken; Founder of Own Your Awesome!™ A podcast, best-selling book, and global movement attracting and expanding women at work, at home, and online!

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