Own YOUR Gratitude! – Episode 18
Hello, hello, and welcome back to another episode of Own Your Awesome with your host, Miranda Von Frickin! In today's episode, titled "Own YOUR Gratitude!", we're diving deep into the concept of self-gratitude. As we approach the end of November,…

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Hello, beloved listeners and readers! As we dive into another enriching topic on today’s blog, I am thrilled to bring you an extended discussion on embracing self-gratitude. This enlightening concept, which Miranda Von Frickin passionately explores in Episode 18 of “Own Your Awesome,” is a powerful tool for personal transformation and living your most authentic, awesome life.

The Power of Self-Gratitude

Winter is settling in, and as we near the end of November, gratitude challenges and Thanksgiving reflections are omnipresent. However, Miranda brings a refreshing twist to the traditional notion of gratitude. Rather than stopping at gratitude for external elements—friends, family, and material possessions—she urges us to turn inward and acknowledge our own awesomeness.

Being grateful for oneself isn’t about boosting the ego but building the foundation of your self-worth. It’s about recognizing your strengths, your accomplishments, and having the courage to thank yourself just as Snoop Dogg did in his famously viral award speech. Miranda asks listeners crucial questions: How often do you acknowledge the good in yourself? How often do you hear compliments and truly internalize them, rather than brushing them off?

Recognizing Your Inner Rockstar

One of the most relatable aspects Miranda shares is how daily life, especially around the holidays, predominantly revolves around giving to others. For many, especially women who play multiple roles—mothers, professionals, caregivers—self-gratitude becomes undervalued. It is imperative, as Miranda states, to remember, “You are still the priority no matter what the season is.”

By acknowledging the small but significant efforts we make daily, we can foster a more positive and rewarding relationship with ourselves. Whether it’s getting up early to read or walking every day to stay active, appreciating these actions bolsters our energy and personal satisfaction.

Guided Homework for Self-Reflection

Miranda doesn’t just fill the episode with philosophy; she provides a concrete action plan. Listeners are assigned the homework of reflecting on the year to identify personal achievements and transformations. This exercise is designed to help listeners recognize the significant personal growth that may go unnoticed otherwise.

Whether it’s the courage to take on new professional opportunities, maintaining a consistent spiritual practice, or finding ways to balance professional and personal commitments, it’s crucial to take the time to recognize these victories. Not only does this practice highlight achievements, but it also sets a resilient foundation for future goals.

Sharing Your Gratitude Story

Miranda’s invitation for listeners to share their personal journey of self-gratitude is not just about building community, but about verbalizing and thereby solidifying these empowering acknowledgments. She urges her community, often comprising self-aware, goal-oriented women, to go beyond just making a list. She suggests voicing these acknowledgments through notes, voice memos, or even messages directly to her.

Moreover, by engaging with this practice, listeners can contribute to and draw from the collective wisdom and support of the community. Whether it’s reaching out on Instagram or LinkedIn, expressing self-gratitude openly can inspire others to embark on the same journey.

Building a Habit for the Future

As we stand on the brink of a new year, Miranda reinforces the importance of integrating self-gratitude as a daily practice. Reflecting on personal successes and thanking oneself should be right up there with our daily routines—like morning yoga, meditation, or a devotional reading.

By consistently practicing self-gratitude, we build a robust internal resource bank that can provide invaluable support during challenges and transitions. It also plays a significant role in enhancing our confidence, improving our performance in various aspects of life, and paving the way for an awesome future.


Miranda Von Frickin’s Episode 18 on Own Your Awesome is a clarion call for us to redefine how we view gratitude. By encouraging us to look inward and thank ourselves for our efforts, strengths, and achievements, she opens the door to a more self-compassionate and fulfilling life. So as this year draws to a close and the new one begins, let’s make a commitment to embrace self-gratitude regularly. After all, owning our awesome begins with recognizing the awesome within us.

Tune into “Own Your Awesome” for more enriching conversations and actionable insights. Let’s step into 2024 with heightened self-awareness and a full heart of gratitude—for ourselves and our journey.



Miranda [00:00:00]:
Hello. Hello. And welcome to another episode of Own Your Awesome. I’m your host, Miranda Von Frickin. So we are in mid November, close to the end at this point. And I’m curious if any of you have been thinking about gratitude. I am sure you have. I’m sure you’re seeing all the challenges out on social.

Miranda [00:00:20]:
I’m sure you’ve maybe started some type of routine for yourself. If you listen to last week’s episode, I’m sure you potentially, hopefully, have started some type of routine for yourself to really gain momentum into the new year, and a gratitude challenge is a beautiful one. I’m not here to sell you any gratitude challenge. Although, I am currently about to start the challenge, draw the circle 40 day prayer challenge. So if you’re interested, shoot me a DM. It’s not too late. Let’s get going. But today, I wanna talk about gratitude.

Miranda [00:00:56]:
And not just gratitude for What’s in our life, the people around us, what we have today? I wanna do, like, a self gratitude conversation because in order to own our awesome, we have to first know we’re awesome. And as much as I preach knowing you’re awesome and owning it. I know it’s difficult for some of us to look inward and see the awesome within. We may get compliments and say, oh, thank you. Thank you. In 1 ear out the other. We may get compliments at work or at home or at our clothes, our hair, whatever, and just say, oh my gosh. This? No.

Miranda [00:01:37]:
No. No. My goodness. How often do you hear something positive about yourself and brush it off? How often do you hear something positive about yourself and think, nope. That’s not me, or they’re just being nice. How often do you say something positive about yourself? That probably is is the harder question. Right? So when when we’re thinking about gratitude and taking it into the holiday season and into the new year, I would love for you to spend a little bit of time being grateful for yourself. It’s like the what is it the Snoop Dogg, award speech he gives? I wanna thank me.

Miranda [00:02:14]:
I wanna thank me for being awesome. Yeah. That’s the vibe I’m going with here. So go find that video and have a good laugh, but he’s right. I wanna thank me for getting up in the morning and doing my hair and brushing my teeth and reading the Bible before my kid gets out of bed. I wanna thank me for getting on the treadmill every day and walking when I don’t feel like it. I wanna thank me for cleaning my office because it gives me the vibes I need to work with my clients. I wanna thank me for working with clients.

Miranda [00:02:47]:
Alright. So this may be going a little too far. You don’t need to hear all the reasons I thank me, but you get the gist. And all these self gratitude type practices or phrases or compliments you give yourself, Not only are they gonna boost your energy, it’s not really here to boost your ego. Right? But let’s be honest, a lot of us don’t have a big ego. A lot of us are very, you know, serving of others, give to others, give to our family. Like, how many tasks do you do for somebody else before you do for yourself? I mean, I know I have a lot of women who are self aware in my community and that listen. And so some of you may be like, not me.

Miranda [00:03:22]:
I do me first, boo, because I am there with you. But I also know when things get busy and the holiday seasons are coming upon us, we start to think about others, which is fantastic, but then The thinking about ourselves seems to slip a little bit. So I’m here to remind you that you’re still the priority no matter what the season is. Right? Like, I don’t care how many presents you gotta wrap. You still have to do your yoga or meditate or pray or Read your devotional. Like, whatever it is you normally do, we still need to do it because we are still top priority. We have to fuel ourselves, and We have to boost our energy in order to give to others. So what are you doing this season to make sure not only are you grateful for all the things around you, people, opportunities, Material things.

Miranda [00:04:16]:
But what are you doing that you’re what are you telling yourself, and and what what are you putting on the list that you’re grateful for that has to do with you personally. Alright? So here is your homework for today. This won’t be a very long one because I really want you to do do the work. Right? So you don’t need to hear me for 20 minutes telling you you’re awesome. Although, you may. And if you want me to, I will. Just let me know. I want you to get a pen and paper at some point today when you’re listening to this.

Miranda [00:04:46]:
If you’re in the car, you don’t need to get a pen and paper. Just Talk to yourself out loud. Maybe put it in a voice memo. Right? Maybe, you know, Vox her to yourself. But what about this year? This is where you may have to sit down and think about it or go through your calendar or go through the photos in your phone as reminders. What did you do this year For you, what transformation did you make for you? What work did you do that makes you so grateful for yourself. Right? So example like, I was being silly earlier, but An example for me is I am so grateful that I lean into the word of God, and it boosts my energy and my confidence every day. I am grateful that I made God a priority in my life, and it is nonnegotiable every single day.

Miranda [00:05:42]:
I am grateful that I said yes to myself and put myself first on my to do list, and God is a part of that. He comes 1st, but you know what I mean. I am also grateful that I didn’t shy away or retreat when I was nervous to speak at this big She Leads conference that’s coming up December 1st for me in Manhattan. I am so grateful I found a way to not only speak there, but to I gotta leave a little early because my kids got something awesome happening that night, but I am so grateful that I didn’t say, alright. Like, my kids got something tonight, so I’m gonna I’m just gonna tell them I can’t do it. Blah blah blah. Nope. I said I’m gonna find a way.

Miranda [00:06:27]:
I am so grateful that I said yes to myself because literally, this event is on my vision board for years. To speak at a penthouse in a women’s conference in Manhattan. Yep. It’s up there, and I am not giving in. It is an this is a nonnegotiable. So I don’t mind having to leave early. I’m disappointed, but I’m super pumped for what my kid gets to do that evening. It’s a game changer for her and her life and the relationship we have and it’s a big full circle moment for me, so it’s pretty cool.

Miranda [00:06:56]:
So I’m gonna be there for her, but I’m also gonna be there for me. So I want you to take some time before before the year ends. It doesn’t have to be today, but you’re gonna forget it if you don’t do it today. Whenever you’re sitting down in your morning routine or if you have a night routine, whatever you do, I want this to be one of those practices. I want you to say I’m so grateful that I I love myself because This year, I was a damn rock star because I you get the gist here? It’s all about you. I want you to spend some time being grateful for you. I would love to hear what that looks like. I would love to hear maybe some 2 to 3 things that you come up with that you are grateful for, whether it’s your mindset, something a transformation you created for yourself, a strategy you implemented.

Miranda [00:07:51]:
I wanna know what makes you grateful for you. I wanna hear it. Please DM me. Instagram, I’m Miranda dot von Frickin. LinkedIn, I’m Miranda Von Frickin. Shoot me a DM. Let’s connect. Let’s talk about it.

Miranda [00:08:05]:
This is an important conversation on the journey of owning your awesome. Right? Elevating your Your position at work, getting promoted, negotiating for a higher salary, doing better in Your PTA meetings, whatever you do, whatever it is, being grateful for yourself and the work you put in, Even if no one else is telling you, you can still be grateful for yourself in business, to get more clients, you name it, to do better on LinkedIn, to increase your reach, to Highlight your personal brand, whatever it is you want to do and that your your lot in life is going forward, If that’s your 50 day goal that you made from the last episode or if it’s a New Year’s resolution you’re gonna make for yourself, building your inner confidence in yourself. Blessing yourself with praise is gonna help you achieve all of that. And if this is something you’re not used to doing and you’re uncomfortable doing, let’s Let’s talk through it. Right? Shoot me DM. We’ll hop on a call. It’s free. We’ll talk.

Miranda [00:09:10]:
I’ll talk you through it. And I bet you by the time you leave that call, you’re gonna leave with 10 things why you’re awesome, and then we’re gonna start to own it. So then next year or from now until next year, you can build that momentum of that confidence and set yourself up for an awesome 2024. And then when next year hits, you’re gonna do it again. You’re gonna make it a daily practice. I’m awesome because. Right? Like, I I want every woman to know why she’s awesome. It’s just as important as our elevator pitch when we go to networking events.

Miranda [00:09:41]:
Right? Like, when people say like, hi. I’m so and so, and I do this for this company or I make your dreams come true. I’m a marketing person. I can get you all this reach. I also want in the back of your head to say, yeah. I’m awesome because I I do what everybody else doesn’t or, you know, I I have this gift about me or I’m just magic when it comes to x, y, and z. Like, I I’m awesome because I want that to be the foundation of your elevation and transformation in 2024. So what are you grateful for yourself? What is it about you that makes you so grateful for you? I wanna hear it.

Miranda [00:10:16]:
DM me. Thank you so much for listening. I’m pumped to bring another episode to you. This is probably that, like, number 18. Like, I feel like I’m on a roll. What do you think? Are you loving these episodes? Shoot me a DM. Leave a review. I would absolutely love it.

Miranda [00:10:31]:
It would be a gift for me this holiday season to to see your words, in regards to the episodes I bring you. So until next week, continue to be your most awesome self, and have a fabulous day.

Miranda VonFricken
Miranda VonFricken; Founder of Own Your Awesome!â„¢ A podcast, best-selling book, and global movement attracting and expanding women at work, at home, and online!

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