Own Your Awesome

The Podcast

Ready to ignite your potential and embrace your inner awesome?

Join me on the “Own Your Awesome” podcast, where we dive into inspiring conversations, share powerful stories, and offer actionable insights to help you live your most empowered and awesome life. Tune in weekly to catch all the good stuff on life (the ups & downs), business (from wanna-be CEO to legit MeEO), faith (crazy faith!), money (I’m all about it), LinkedIn, personal branding, and, of course… owning your awesome!

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Power (& Volume) Up!

Each episode is designed to motivate you to step into your power, embrace your calling, and take bold steps toward it – unopologetically. Whether you’re looking for personal growth, professional development, or just a dose of inspiration, “Own Your Awesome” has you covered. 

Subscribe now and let’s start this party started!

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