The “Right” Stuff! – Episode 42
Welcome back to another episode of "Miranda," your go-to podcast for elevating your life and career! Today’s episode, titled “The 'Right' Stuff!,” is all about something truly special. Miranda is excited to unveil a brand-new mastermind community designed to empower…

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Welcome to a new chapter in personal and professional development. Today, we dive deep into Miranda’s latest venture aimed at helping women like us — the powerhouse combination of ambition, talent, and dreams. In partnership with the adept entrepreneur and empowerment coach, Jennifer, Miranda is launching the “Empowered to Lead” mastermind. Ready to elevate with like-minded women? Let’s explore what this extraordinary community aims to accomplish.

Why a Mastermind? The Genesis of “Empowered to Lead”

Miranda has always been a torchbearer for women’s empowerment, evident from her dynamic “Own Your Awesome” podcast. After conducting global mastermind groups previously, she took a hiatus to recalibrate due to personal and business transformations. Her return holds significance, marked by the right timing and the right collaboration.

The “Empowered to Lead” mastermind was born from a deeply embedded need to cultivate a nurturing space for women who are executives, entrepreneurs, or industry authorities. It’s not just about professional growth, but about sharing and amplifying our unique strengths to make an indelible impact. By partnering with Jennifer, Miranda found the perfect synergy to create an environment where each woman doesn’t just fit but blossoms.

The “Right” Fit and Forward Momentum

One of the key aspects Miranda emphasizes is the energy — the right energy. This community thrives on mutual elevation, support, and excitement. The value lies in ensuring that each member brings a unique energy to the group, fostering an environment ripe for authentic connections and growth.

Miranda shared a personal story that resonated with many: the decision between multiple projects that had her torn. Should she write a book? Create a course? Start a membership? Focus on 1-on-1 coaching? It was through an innovative exercise suggested by her energy coach that she found clarity. She wrote down each option on a post-it note and gauged her body’s response as she picked one. Excitement for “book” and disappointment for “course” steered her in the right direction. This approach underpins the mastermind philosophy — trusting our intuition and feelings to make monumental decisions.

What “Empowered to Lead” Offers

Miranda, with Jennifer by her side, isn’t just forming yet another networking group. “Empowered to Lead” offers a myriad of high-level tools, resources, and support systems designed to push members towards their fullest potential.

From exclusive training modules and impactful guest speakers to vital networking opportunities, this mastermind program is the full package. Emphasis is placed on increasing visibility and expanding networks, which are vital components for driving substantial change in respective fields. Miranda’s mastermind community also promises to maintain an inclusive and intimate environment, ensuring every member feels valued and heard.

The Importance of Diversity

Diversity stands at the heart of this initiative. Miranda seeks variety in thought, industry, leadership styles, and achievements. She believes that a mix of backgrounds contributes significantly to far-reaching discussions and solutions. Each woman’s unique contributions will help foster a vibrant, dynamic, and effective community.

Timing and Opportunity

Miranda waited for the perfect moment to relaunch her mastermind. Why now? The answer lies in serendipity and opportunity. Her collaboration with Jennifer Perry, a multimillionaire empowerment coach with an inspiring personal story, offered the ideal blend of resources, experience, and shared vision. The result? A steadfast and transformative community ready to propel its members forward.

Insights Direct from Miranda

Miranda doesn’t just talk the talk; she walks the walk. Her excitement is palpable when discussing her recent opportunities, including walking the red carpet and meeting Jack Canfield in Beverly Hills. A few weeks away from this dream event, Miranda reflects on how surreal yet affirming these experiences are — testament to what happens when timing, energy, and opportunity align.

Call to Action: Join the Movement

If you’re intrigued by what “Empowered to Lead” could mean for your journey, Miranda extends an invitation to connect. Don’t miss out on the chance to be part of a community that could redefine your personal and professional trajectory. Miranda and Jennifer are keen to discuss further details, including investment, timing, and location.

Closing Thoughts

Authenticity, energy, and timing are the keystones to success, as Miranda’s journey vividly demonstrates. As she signs off with an invitation for deeper conversations, her gratitude for every listener and potential member is clear. The “Empowered to Lead” mastermind isn’t just a community; it’s a movement, driving purposeful change and unparalleled growth.

Ready to join the ranks of forward-focused women? Now’s your moment. Connect with Miranda and Jennifer today, and take that defining step towards owning your awesome!


Stay tuned for more insights, inspiration, and strategies from Miranda on life, business, and everything in between. Until next time, keep owning your awesome!




Miranda [00:00:01]:
Hello. Hello. And welcome to another episode of the own your awesome podcast. I’m your host, Miranda Von Frickin. It’s been a minute, friends, and I’m gonna tell you why. And this episode is in honor of new kids on the block being here in Saratoga for a concert, which is ridiculous. Like, who’s got all the MKOTB memories? I know I’m not the only one. I saw tons of you posting on all the socials, being up at spec, loving on new kids.

Miranda [00:00:34]:
Oh, my god. So good. Alright. But first, an update. Summer strategy sessions have been ridiculous. The women that have said yes to themselves got on my calendar and worked with me in this intense 90 minute strategy session have been amazing. Their energy, the strategy we’ve created together, the goals they have for themselves, and then, of course, all the abundance that comes from a focused, intense strategy session. Okay.

Miranda [00:01:09]:
It wasn’t that intense, but you know what I mean. It’s super focused, and that was the whole plan was to get your summer strategy together, not just for summer because some of them were really smart and they were like, listen. I’m getting this together for the fall. I want this for q 4. I wanna take December off, so I’m getting my strategy set now. Friends, we have, like, 5 months left of the year. There’s no need to give up on your goals that you set in the beginning of the year. This is where it kinda kick it up a notch.

Miranda [00:01:39]:
Right? Like, not so much in summer because I know a lot of you were were hesitant to do this session. Even when those who paid and got on the call, they were still like, can we break up the 90 minutes? No. No. The point is one and done. Let’s do it. Let’s get your strategy session together. I worked on career stuff with the job seekers, people who got laid off. So we worked on things like their resume.

Miranda [00:02:03]:
We worked on their LinkedIn profiles. We worked on networking and connection strategies on LinkedIn, we worked on job applications and how to apply to the right jobs and how to go around the gatekeepers. This isn’t something I often do, but I was a career director in higher education and in human resources talent acquisition for 15 years. Oh, my god. So I’m obviously not gonna say no to someone who needs to talk about their career strategy. So that was pretty cool to kinda tap back into that expertise. Then, of course, there was a lot of business conversations. I helped a woman create a tremendous, tremendous program for life coaching, some leadership development, and then almost all of them infused my love of Jesus in the woo.

Miranda [00:02:53]:
Of course, the woo. There’s always the woo. It’s just been so cool to not only meet new women, but to see past clients come back for, like, a refresh, if you will, a little tweak of their strategy. It was it was pretty cool. So update number 1, summer strategy sessions are amazing. They’re still going. I said I was only gonna do 10, I’ve done 8, so technically there’s 2 left, but I’m not gonna say no if you get on my calendar or DM me strategy session, please, and we’ll make it work. And then, alright.

Miranda [00:03:25]:
So this is a big piece of news, the second update, that I haven’t really talked too much about. I teased it a little bit at the end of a panel that I was a part of, and I’ve told some people here and there, and I guess this could be my official announcement ish. So I am writing a book with Jack freaking Canfield. Oh my god. Oh my god, people. Pose for dramatic effect. Jack Canfield, if you don’t know him, where you been all your life? He is the author of chicken soup for the soul. I know you had a chicken soup for your soul.

Miranda [00:04:06]:
Next to your bed, as a teenager or as an adult, I think I had chicken soup for the soul for the teenage soul, I think for the woman’s soul. I I don’t even know how many I had. I probably had, like, 3 or 4 of them because these books were collaborative efforts, stories from different people in that area. So if it was, like, teenagers, it would be, you know, a collection of people who work with teenagers or teenagers in general or parents. Like, it was it was nice to hear different perspectives for my teenage soul, and then, of course, women’s soul, different stories of resiliency, stuff like that. So I have a few connections, well, 2 pretty close friends that have worked with Jack or still currently work with Jack. And some of you may know I tried, I shot my shot, I shot my shot and it didn’t work. I tried to get Jack to write the foreword for my LinkedIn book that just became bestseller.

Miranda [00:05:04]:
Don’t mind if I do, I’ll brag on that one more time because that doesn’t happen every day. And so I literally had the ask in his office, like, the woman text messaged him, and, you know, Jack, he’s a busy dude, and he’s probably, like, what’s LinkedIn? I don’t even know. I’m good. And so when I prayed on it, I knew that Jack wasn’t actually the right person to write my foreword. I had somebody else in mind, but when Jack was suggested, I was like, how do you say no to that? Right? So for me, I didn’t even get a response from him, yes or no, so I pulled the plug on it real quick when I sat down and I prayed and I said, who actually is gonna be the best person to to write this forward for me? And because it was LinkedIn, duh, it was Heather Monahan a 100%. Like, Heather and I go way back. You can read about it in her forward of my book and I just knew that Jack was actually the best fit. Right? Like I knew Jack was gonna be the best fit.

Miranda [00:06:08]:
Oh, sorry. I knew Heather was gonna be the best fit. So when I told my friends like, hey. Listen. I’m actually gonna ask my friend Heather because she’s the perfect fit for LinkedIn. She’s a woman. We’ve worked together before. I’ve worked with her.

Miranda [00:06:24]:
She’s worked with me. It’s actually a no brainer. So I felt it was very divinely guided that Heather and I connected over that forward and it worked out exactly how it was supposed to. She, without hesitation, said yes. I think she was actually on her way to Dubai to speak, at the LEAP conference and was like, absolutely. She’s like, I’m in a different country, but I’m here for you. Like, just one of my favorite people that I’ve ever met on LinkedIn. Crazy.

Miranda [00:06:52]:
Anyway, so when I closed the door to Jack, I didn’t actually close the door. I just said to myself, in my brain, he wasn’t the right fit for this book, but I mean I wasn’t gonna say no if he said yes. Right? So the fact that I didn’t get a reply from him or his people and the fact that I knew he wasn’t the right fit, I think just kinda God just, like, made some moves in the upper world in order to still keep that connection for Jack and I. Well, not too long after my book was launched, hit bestseller, and all the things started happening, I get an email from Jack Canfield. Oh, my fuck. Crazy. His people I’m gonna make this as long story short as possible. He is represented by an organization called Celebrity Branding Agency.

Miranda [00:07:46]:
Well, every year they well, I don’t know if it’s every year, but, sometimes, they do a book. Right? They do books. It’s not chicken soup for the soul, but it’s Jack’s next next version of the books. So Jack had invited a handful of people to an opportunity, and I was one of them. So coming up pretty soon, I think I think it’s end of the year, beginning end of the year is when the project actually gets out, the book gets launched. But long story short, I’m writing a book with Jack Canfield, and it is just it is like a a lifelong dream because I started this whole, you know, life coachy, woo woo, professional personal development journey with some of Jack’s books on tape. And so this is talk about full circle moment for young Miranda, like, when I do my time traveling, I often through meditation will go back and tell myself, girl it happened blah blah blah. So I can infuse some power into the past version of her to, you know, see if it touches her and if it changes anything, you know, it hasn’t yet, but whatever.

Miranda [00:08:54]:
Still having that conversation is really cool. So I sat down one morning, and I went back to the version of me who’s driving her car to her 9 to 5 completely disconnected from happiness and said, hey. Like, literally, you’re listening to Jack Canfield right now, and, literally, he’s emailing you, and you’re writing a book with him. Like, we do it, girl. Like, we do it. Like, we’re doing the thing. It’s freaking amazing. I’ll message you from the red carpet.

Miranda [00:09:23]:
Oh, yeah. Speaking of red carpet, that is actually my update. In 3 short weeks, I will be flown to Beverly Hills, California to walk the red carpet and to personally meet Jack on the red freaking carpet. So if you have any suggestions of what I should wear or who I should wear, let me know. This is so very surreal and very exciting for me. A lot has happened from saying yes to that opportunity to even me today sitting at my desk recording this. So many things have happened, but the coolest part is that I actually get to walk a red carpet and meet Jack Canfield. And I actually get to go to his house, but not this trip, next trip, where all all the authors will go to his house, and we will have, you know, a little party of celebration.

Miranda [00:10:12]:
It’s it’s just, oh my god. I just I’m I wanna say, like, I’m humbled, but I’m not because you know me. I’m I’m just, like, too crazy to be humbled. I’m in awe, I think, is actually the word I’m looking for of what my life has been like in this last, we’ll say, year. So summer strategy sessions are going amazingly. My I’m 3 weeks from walking a red carpet in Beverly Hills to meet Jack Canfield, one of my all time idols. And then after a year or so, actually, maybe even longer, of you guys asking, are you gonna do another mastermind? I finally said yes. I finally said, yes.

Miranda [00:10:58]:
Oh, my goodness. And this time, I doubled down. It’s happening with a bang. The thing is it had to be right. Right? And there is the pun intended for this new kids on the block. Right? Like the right stuff, like it had to be the right stuff in order for this mastermind to happen. I’ve been running masterminds for years. I remember me, Jody, Jessica, Shari, and, like, just sitting at Panera, and you’re probably like, who are these people? Jessica is my intuitive coach.

Miranda [00:11:33]:
You’ve heard me talk about her many times on this podcast. Jodi Kenny is my biz bestie, Spectrum News. She’s Amazeballs. Shari Quinn is I love her. I love my Shari. She’s my friend from my 9 to 5 life who joined one of my masterminds. And then Ang is a friend of mine. She was referred to me by one of my other friends.

Miranda [00:11:55]:
So we all got together back in the day at Panera. Oh, my gosh. Panera Bread. It was hilarious. And I used to do masterminds all the time there. And they actually redid the location that I was meeting in. So then I stopped doing it up in era and went virtual. Or we’d go to somebody’s house.

Miranda [00:12:14]:
Right? Like, as masterminds for me, in the beginning, masterminds were a local community and I loved it. Now since then, my last mastermind was global. I had people from all over the world, a lot of local women, but still national and even one international client came in, virtually to join my mastermind. And so I took a break after that last mastermind to try something different. My done for you LinkedIn management was really ramping up, but I just wanted to have more time to focus on LinkedIn. I wanted to write the book. Minnie passed away, so a lot of things happened and I was saying no to bringing women together. It’s also another reason my LinkedIn local kind of stopped too.

Miranda [00:12:55]:
It was just like life had a huge transition and some of the things I was known for here in my area kind of ceased to exist it. So I’m I’m bringing them back. I’m bringing them all back. It’s gonna be amazing. So mastermind had to be the right timing. It had to be a lot of the things had to be quote unquote right. Now I’m not a huge, like, fan or believer in like right or wrong because I’m a big believer in lessons, blessings, and redirections, but lately I’ve been feeling a little more drawn to this feeling of right. Like, is it right for me? Is it right the right timing? Is this the good decision? Is it right for my business, my family? Is the energy right? Like does it feel right? And I often I try not to get too bogged down on boxing me in in this right or wrong, you know, kind of mentality, because again, you know, it can be wrong, and I can still learn amazing things.

Miranda [00:13:52]:
I can be blessed in the wrong whatever, and I can be redirected. Right? Because sometimes the wrong things really show us what we don’t want. So sometimes, like, I have a hard time with this concept of right, but I’ve been I’ve been actually talking a lot about it on LinkedIn. I I’ll put a post in the show notes that I put recently about being in the right rooms. And if you’re if you remember episode 16, if you scroll back and listen, if you haven’t heard it, the actual episode is called, are you in the room? And I talked about being in the right room, and I talked about it in this LinkedIn post, which you can check out on in the show notes. And it’s not just about being in the room, it’s about being in the right room, creating right spaces, and being around the right people, but I often, like I said, have a hard time with right, but here’s how I wrap my brain around the concept of right. Let’s define it. Right? Like, so for me and I know it’s different for everyone.

Miranda [00:14:53]:
Right? So me defining right, because this mastermind, because the 3rd update was I said yes to holding space for another group of women do a mastermind. It had to be right for me. So one, the energy had to be right. Right? The energy that I felt about it, the energy, to feel elevated, like, where I am in life, where I’m going, because I’ll never have a mastermind for people, if I think I can expand myself too. I wanna expand them, the women in the group, a 100%, but I also wanna expand myself by drawing in the right people, and again, the word right keeps coming up and we’ll talk more about what right means. And, again, this is just what right means to me, and, hopefully, it sparks a little something for you. I’d love to hear your definition of right, if you will, based on my conversation with you here today. Feel free to DM me on Insta or LinkedIn, and tell me what your definition of right is, or if you kinda feel aligned to where I’m going with it.

Miranda [00:15:54]:
The energy had to be right. Right? It had to be bold, exciting, magical. It had to be a heck yeah. Right? Like, so for me, the energy of right, if you will, quote unquote, is like a heck, yeah. Like, that is it. Right? Like, so it had to had to stretch me. I had to feel a little scared about it. Like, but I also had to feel the energy of being supported and and loving and bold, and magical, and exciting.

Miranda [00:16:17]:
So the energy had to be right. I think I’m in the right energy. I think what I’ve created, and who I’ve created it with, which I’ll give you a little more in a minute, is a 100% right. It feels right. Right? The energy. It feels right. It all feels right. The women who are coming to my information inspiration sessions feel right, and the ones that are saying, yes, also feel right.

Miranda [00:16:43]:
There’s actually there hasn’t been anyone I was like, oh, I hope she doesn’t join. Like that that hasn’t happened and it typically doesn’t, but there have been people in the past where I’m like, listen, I don’t think this is for you. It’s a little more business focused. You don’t have a business. I don’t wanna waste their money. Right? Like, so I’ll make sure that it’s a right fit for both, but the coolest part about a mastermind is you get to choose if it’s right for you also. So I define right by energy. The next is by direction.

Miranda [00:17:08]:
Right? So for me, the the direction of what I’m doing has to feel right moving forward. Right? The direction has to be forward, forward thinking, forward action. It’s gotta gain momentum. I need to not feel stuck. I’ve felt stuck often, and I even had a little bout of it a couple weeks ago, and so I know stuck, and average, and basic, and like in a box, and just condensed and contracted, that doesn’t feel right to me. So the direction and the energy have to be moving forward. Right? It has to be it has to gain momentum. It has it has to be moving in the right direction.

Miranda [00:17:51]:
The women in this group should all be moving in a forward direction. Now they don’t have to be going everybody’s going left, everybody’s going center, everybody’s going towards business, everybody’s getting promoted. That’s not the direction I mean per se. Just that their thought and their energy is moving forward. A 4 Like they don’t wanna be stuck anymore. They’re not gonna stay stuck because they’re just not gonna If they’re working with me it’s just not even an option. So the direction and the energy had to feel right, but also for this mastermind, And sometimes I have a hard time with saying, like, it had to be the right people. Right? Like, I kinda tapped into this a little bit, but, like, I don’t want them to it to all be the same people.

Miranda [00:18:31]:
Right? Like, I need some diversity. Diversity of thought, diversity of industry, diversity of leadership, diversity of achievement, like, their goals. I want I want there to be diversity in every aspect of the meaning. I want there to be something for everyone and I want everyone to bring a little something. Right? A little part of their heart, a little part of their experience, and so that’s what I mean by the right people. A, we have to feel each other. Right? Like not literally. If you saw my post on LinkedIn today, it’s not literal, but you know what I mean by feeling the people.

Miranda [00:19:07]:
Right? The vibe, the energy, it has to feel right. I have to feel in my body that, yes, this person should be here. I should be the one to hold space for this person. This person can contribute to the conversations. This person will learn and grow and expand and connect and this is and I let them decide too. That’s that’s actually one of the coolest pieces, like, of course, in a coaching container, mastermind, 1 on 1, group coaching, whatever it may be, this idea of the right fit of the space isn’t just for the client. It’s also for the host. And, of course, there’s women that I would like die to have in this group because they are right for me, but I may not be right for them and I’m totally cool with that and I respect that and I love it.

Miranda [00:19:54]:
The best part, though, is that some of these women are open to the conversation of, if I’m not right for them, do I know somebody? And I think that’s actually pretty cool, and that’s an ask I can get down with. So I’m open to all the people, and the more diverse in thought and experience, the better. So everything under the umbrella of right for me, for this mastermind, has to be energy, direction, people, and then the tie the bonus was timing. Right? Like, so the timing had to be right. And I I kinda got into why I I paused a little bit for like a year or so, and and nobody is surprised by it. Anyone who said, hey. Are you bringing back masterminds anytime soon? And I was like, listen. I’m just not, you know, a couple these are a couple reasons.

Miranda [00:20:40]:
They totally got it. And they I either referred them to another person doing masterminds or they told me they’d wait. I have people who said I will wait for you, and I was like, oh, ain’t that cool? So I look for the same three things when I take on clients. Right? Like, I look for even in these strategy sessions, like, I need the energy, the direction, the people, like, it all to feel right to me, and I think that’s that’s actually the coolest part. And for me in this mastermind, which, you know, is essentially my 3rd update, and the right stuff, if you will, is that we actually did oh, by we, I mean Jennifer Perry. Look her up. Jennifer spelled 2 n’s in a fur. P e r r I.

Miranda [00:21:25]:
Check her out on LinkedIn, on Instagram. She was a LinkedIn client of mine. I managed her LinkedIn for about a year. During this year, actually, I’ll tell a whole separate story about this, but like she and I were a 100% divinely guided to each other, and it it was just it was magic. What had transpired over the course of a year has been completely magic. I stopped my done for you LinkedIn management. I still do profiles. I still do, you know, your personal brand, all that good stuff.

Miranda [00:21:56]:
Help you with content, all the things, but I I don’t manage it for people anymore or companies. I teach you how to do it, or I do it with you. It’s kind of like a different package. If you’re curious what that means, reach out to me. But when I stopped doing LinkedIn for organizations, I stopped working with Jennifer, and she just wasn’t having it. She wasn’t having it. And so she was like, how can we work together? She was thinking of putting together a mastermind. I’m like, oh, my gosh.

Miranda [00:22:26]:
How how like crazy is this serendipitous if you will, that I too was thinking of bringing back my masterminds, so we decided to partner up. So Jennifer Perry, just to give you a little background on her, she is a oh my god, she’s empowerment coach, but she is multimillionaire, had made her first, like, stint of money if you will, you know, big chunk of it in the financial industry. She was a financial empowerment coach, helped women get their financial life together after she had a scary story of her own. She’s and I’ll let you she’s got a video on her website. Check it out. She went through a really hard ordeal in a marriage, very dangerous, and what transpired from that was her being a single mother of 2 small children not able to afford life, if you will. So she had to figure it out.

Miranda [00:23:26]:
And then she figured it out. She became the person she needed. And so now, or back then, she started to become that person for others. And it it’s just a very powerful story. And then she grew, you know, started doing life coaching. She became a producer. Like, she’s published everywhere. She’s a multiple best selling author, award winning coach.

Miranda [00:23:49]:
It’s just there’s so much that I I can’t stress enough how amazing this woman is. And even like working with her was just a dream because she she just she gets it. You know when you meet somebody who just gets it like she helps you to become limitless. Right? She’s a mindset and empowerment coach. She’s got a business called the Shero effect. It’s it’s she’s been in Forbes, Bloomberg, Vanity Fair. Like this this lady, this this woman, so she’s a certified divorce coach, a financial therapist. She too has a podcast.

Miranda [00:24:25]:
It’s newer. It’s called the Shero Effect podcast, and she’s a filmmaker, which I thought was really cool. She kind of brings all her passions together into 1, and I’m just thrilled to partner with her. So when I said like the timing had to be right and and how it all transpired, I I strongly feel like God brought us together. This was the timing. Right? Like, he brought us together a year ago to talk about LinkedIn. She created a course. That course is going amazingly, and she and I will both be walking the red carpet together in Hollywood.

Miranda [00:25:01]:
She had already written a book with Jack Canfield years ago. She actually just wrote one with Lisa Nichols who, oh, man. Now I’m put that on my wish list. I get to meet Lisa too though on this red carpet, so that’s gonna be ridiculous. Yes. Yes. Woohoo. Anyway, let me give you a little thought on why this mastermind that I’m launching and with Jennifer is the right stuff for the women who say yes to themselves.

Miranda [00:25:26]:
We call it the empowered to lead mastermind. I like to call it an experience because you know how I roll. It’s an elite level mastermind for forward focused women designed specifically for them, who are executive, entrepreneurs, or authorities who are really seeking community and not just a membership. This is not a membership. This is a mastermind community that is as exclusive and amazing as the success that they’ve achieved. We know that as we climb either a corporate ladder or the business hierarchy, if you will, it air gets a little thinner. It’s harder to make friends, and we’re just not sure where to turn. I mean, of course, we have business coaches.

Miranda [00:26:11]:
Of course, we’ve got intuitive coaches and life coaches, but the community of elevating each other of lifting while we climb kind of way of being, it it gets harder to find those people that work in that capacity. My mission as most of you know, is to help you shine a light on your awesomeness so brightly that it’s impossible to ignore. I am a huge fan of visibility, so my part in this is, of course, you know, I’m life coach, I’m business coach, all that good stuff LinkedIn personal branding. You’re gonna get a lot of strategy from me in this mastermind. You’re gonna get a lot from Jennifer too who’s a multi millionaire. Now, I probably couldn’t afford to work with her in a 1 on 1 capacity because she’s she’s very expensive. However, I’ve convinced her to make this investment doable for almost everyone. Right? Almost everyone.

Miranda [00:27:09]:
And, so, we have built this space in order to help women not only elevate their life and business, but to be in a room with people that it was it was created specifically for you. It’s part networking, it’s part collaboration, and growth, and deeper connections with women who are moving in the same direction that I talked about. We came up together, our mission is to foster a vibrant community or high powered women, and those who are looking to be high powered. Right? Like, because we’ve got a couple women who are semi newbies in business, but not in the professional space. They’re making a big transition, and so this space is built for them too. Where we’re gonna connect, collaborate, and elevate with a bonus of celebrating, because you know that’s how I roll, I bring all the confetti, all of our successes. We are dedicated to creating an environment that empowers each and every woman to leverage their strength, share their expertise, and to grow both personally and professionally. Together we’ve built a network of unstoppable women leaders driving change and inspiring excellence in every single field.

Miranda [00:28:20]:
I we had a call the other day, we called it the empowered to lead info inspo session. We’re having another one tomorrow, Wednesday 14th at 12 PM EST. So if you’re hopefully, you’re listening to this in real time, like, the day I post it, so you can get on this call. But if you miss it, we’ll record it. Not a big deal. Shoot me a DM and ask for the recording and I will absolutely send it. We had almost 20 women on the call and at the very least, I told all these women, you’re it’s will act as if it’s a networking event. You’re gonna learn about more about this mastermind, of course.

Miranda [00:28:54]:
I teased it a little bit here. You’re gonna learn more about the mastermind. You’re gonna be inspired. You’re gonna hear a little bit about Jennifer and I and why we’re doing this, and then we’re gonna get to know each other. Right? So, this whole info inspo session just brought up so many amazing feelings. The energy in the room was ridiculous. It was sparkly, if you will. It was powerful.

Miranda [00:29:16]:
It was impressive. Like, I’m not gonna lie. It was super impressive. And then after the fact, those who were interested in hearing more about the mastermind, I sent, you know, information guide out. I sent the recording, but they all met each other. And at the at the very least, they met some amazing women. It was a little bit of what it would be like to work with us on a 12 week experience. So we have built this mastermind on some very specific principles purposefully.

Miranda [00:29:46]:
Connection is my jam. You know what I mean? But I love connecting women to other women. We know the more we know and who we know is how we grow. So bringing together these like minded, if you will, women who understand the unique challenges that today faces. Right? We are a safe space for women to connect with each other, to share insights and resources, and to support each other, but also to share their hearts. Right? Like share your heart, and I feel like this is one thing that we have to realize when we’re getting together in groups. If you feel like you can’t share all of you, then it’s it’s probably not the quote unquote right one. Right? So connection, collaboration, elevation, of course, we are busting through boundaries.

Miranda [00:30:33]:
I’m hope I’m hoping Jennifer gets me to a $1,000,000. I’m just saying. No pressure. But I know some of the women who said, yes to this, are here a lot of for the same reasons I’ve built it. Right? So we built it to grow and expand personally and professionally, but also to make more money. Let’s just be honest. And to celebrate, like I just love a good celebration. And so this mastermind, I won’t get too into it because I’m usually, I like to stay around the 30 minute or less mark, but if you want to hear more about it, it’s a very it’s a exclusive, yet intimate community, if you will.

Miranda [00:31:12]:
It’s exclusive in the fact that we’re not having a lot of people, not exclusive in people aren’t invited. So it’s intimate if you will. So that’s probably the better word for it. High level support, lots of resources and tools. I come with some very unique specialties. Jennifer comes with a really ridiculous and robust following. She’s got about a 1000000 followers in her socials as well as, like, she’s gone viral on TikTok. It’s a whole thing.

Miranda [00:31:41]:
So the coolest part is we’ve both decided as a bonus that we are going to increase whoever is a part of this group, increase your visibility. Right? Like I can’t I can’t guarantee you’re gonna go viral because I have not yet, but we’re gonna shine a light on you, and that is always been my goal is to shine a light on women, our missions, our goals, our calling. And Jennifer’s network is is 8 times mine. It’s ridiculous. So we’re gonna expand your network, we’re gonna give you some resources and tools, all the trainings, guest speakers. She actually said she may call in Lisa Nichols. Lisa owes her a favor. How crazy is that? And she may have her come in as a guest.

Miranda [00:32:18]:
So I thought that was pretty cool. So you’re gonna meet some really amazing women that you may not have met before. So if you’re interested in any details, of course, the investment, the timing, where is it being held, is there gonna be snacks. You know, like, shoot me a DM at LinkedIn, Miranda Von Frickin, or go to my instamaranda.vonfrickin, and connect with Jennifer too. Find Jennifer Perry on LinkedIn and on Instagram, and check her out. And let me know if you’re interested. I will send you some details. We are looking to start the last Wednesday of the month.

Miranda [00:32:55]:
So about 2 weeks, we’re gonna kick this bad boy off soon. So let me know if a mastermind is something you’ve been looking for. So those are my 3 updates. However, the easiest way to know what is right for you, right, because that was the whole point of this podcast was called the right stuff. Helping you to define what’s right for you. And for me, it was energy, direction, and people. And what’s right for you, the easiest way to know that is for you to get really quiet and just ask. Ask is this for me? And then pretend, take it a step further, pretend that you did say yes to whatever the opportunity, to the the client, to the investment, pretend you said yes, and how does it feel in your body? How does your body react? So we’ll take my mastermind for example.

Miranda [00:33:46]:
I I’m inviting you to my mastermind. You say yes. How does that feel? If you’re like, oh, shit. I don’t know. Miranda’s kinda crazy. I mean, listen. If you’re listening 34 minutes later, you know I’m crazy and you’re cool with it. However, if you’re not, you’re not even listening anymore, so that’s okay.

Miranda [00:34:03]:
If you say yes to a mastermind and it feels good like, oh, here we go. You should be a little nervous because that’s normal. It’s actually preferred. If I don’t feel a little nervous about something I say yes to, it probably wasn’t the right yes. Like, it should be a no brainer, but it should also feel a little nervous like, oh, my gosh. Because I’m gonna get stretched and expanded and that feels a little, you know, nerve wracking. So feel your body. Feel what it’s like to say yes to something and that will tell you the feeling will show you and reveal if it’s quote unquote right for you.

Miranda [00:34:38]:
Here’s a 10 second example. Years ago, I was working with a coach. She’s an energy coach, which is amazing, an energy healer and a business coach. And so I said to her, listen, I’ve got a couple different things I could work on. I wanted to write a book. I wanted to do a course, and I was thinking about a membership. I’m always thinking about those things. And so I think and I also was thinking about, like, kicking up kicking up my, 1 on 1 coaching.

Miranda [00:35:05]:
And so I I just don’t know. I could do any of them and be happy. I’m just not sure what it is. So she’s like, alright. Write all of them down on Post it and put it in a hat or, you know, I think I had a cup around or something. Shake it up, and she’s like, you’re gonna pull one out and look at it. And however you react to it will be your answer. And I was like, oh, that’s okay.

Miranda [00:35:23]:
So So she’s like, oh, actually, she said to me, whatever you pull out is what you’re gonna do. Let the universe decide. I said, alright. Cool. So I pull it out and it said course, and my body just kinda sunk, and I was like, like, I was disappointed. I was disappointed that I was now gonna have to create a course, And this was many moons ago before I even did LinkedIn stuff. And she was like, alright. That’s not it.

Miranda [00:35:46]:
Pull something else out. And I was like, what? You just said I had to do whatever I pull out. She’s like, no. We’re testing you to see how your body reacts. It’s definitely not a course right now. And so I pulled out book and I got really excited, like my I sat up a little straighter, my eyes, kind of, like, widened, and I smiled. And she goes, that’s it. You’re writing your book.

Miranda [00:36:06]:
And I was like, what? Are you kidding me? She’s like, no. Seriously. She’s like, you she’s like, you could do the other post its too if you want. She’s like, but your body just said yes to a book, and you need to trust what your body feels. And I thought that was so cool. So my suggestion to you to figure out if whatever is happening or offered to you is quote unquote the right stuff, you could ask Donnie or you could just ask yourself. Take a deep breath, pretend you’ve said yes to whatever it is, and see how your body reacts. And, if you’re looking for your next whatever, your next right move, right decision, and what I’ve described in my mastermind sounds quote unquote right for you, then let’s have a conversation.

Miranda [00:36:56]:
I’m also open to more strategy sessions. So if you’re like, listen up, mastermind long term, I’m not feeling it. I’m not sure if it’s right for me, but I know I need a strategy session. There’s still a few of those available. Let’s have a conversation. You know me. Either way, I just love talking. So let’s hop on a Zoom, DM me all the things, whatever you’re feeling, whatever’s on your heart, let’s have a conversation, and let’s see what’s right for you.

Miranda [00:37:23]:
I’d love to help you along that journey. And until then, of course, thank you again for listening to another episode of the own your awesome podcast. I’m your host, Miranda Von Frickin, and until next time, keep being awesome. Bye.

Miranda VonFricken
Miranda VonFricken; Founder of Own Your Awesome!™ A podcast, best-selling book, and global movement attracting and expanding women at work, at home, and online!

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