Welcome to Own Your Awesome! – Episode 1
Hello, Hello! Welcome to Own Your Awesome! I'm your host, Miranda Von Frickin, and I'm absolutely thrilled to kick off this adventure with you. In this very first episode, I'm diving into the journey that finally brought me to press…

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In the bright afternoon of March 15, 2023, Miranda Von Frickin unleashed her long-awaited podcast, “Own Your Awesome.” With a mixture of exhilaration and trepidation, she candidly shares the journey that led her to hit the record button for the first time. In this inaugural episode, Miranda aims to unearth the elements that guided her path, the intentions driving her podcast, and the awesomeness we can expect from this exciting new series.

The Spark: Inspiration from Unexpected Sources

Miranda’s journey to starting her podcast wasn’t a straightforward sprint but a marathon of hesitations, inspirations, and a push from an unusual source. For years, the idea of creating a podcast lingered in her mind, listed perpetually on her project whiteboard. She had all the prerequisites: a passion for coaching, a wealth of knowledge from her professional background, and a story worth sharing.

However, it was a human design reading from Allison Cullen of “You Do Woo” that ignited the final spark. During the session, Miranda was advised that instead of continuing with her book, she should start a podcast. The directive was clear and urgent: start on Monday. This blend of seemingly impractical advice and unyielding intuition drove Miranda to plunge into podcasting with fervor.

Overcoming Resistance: From Idea to Action

Miranda’s shift from ideation to creation wasn’t without obstacles. Resistance in the form of self-doubt and technical unfamiliarity loomed large. Yet, there was an underlying call to authenticity and spontaneity that made her push through the barriers.

Miranda recounts, with a hint of humor, how she scrambled to get her podcast tech in order. From creating the cover art on Canva to figuring out how to use the voice memo feature on her iPhone, the entire setup mirrored a quest more about just starting rather than perfection.

She embraced the raw and unpolished nature of her first recording, determined to underline a powerful message: you don’t need a perfect blueprint to start; you just need to begin.

Unveiling Intentions: The Heartbeat of ‘Own Your Awesome’

In setting the stage for her podcast, Miranda’s core intentions resonated with clarity and passion. Her aim is to bring a mosaic of life’s facets into the episodes—career advice, entrepreneurial journey, faith, personal branding, and more.

Miranda envisions “Own Your Awesome” as a platform where listeners can find authenticity and empowerment, a space to navigate life’s intricacies and embrace their unique journey. She sees it as a means to share insights from her career coaching days, experiences as an entrepreneur, and her deeply ingrained faith.

Authentic and Unscripted: The Power of Imperfection

One of the underlying themes of Miranda’s debut episode is the celebration of imperfections. By opting for an unscripted format devoid of fancy intros and polished edits, she establishes a connection with her audience that is raw and genuine.

This isn’t to be mistaken for a lack of professionalism or preparation but rather a strategic deviation to create relevance and relatability. Miranda’s approach is a nod to every dreamer out there—she’s extending her hand, guiding you past the labyrinth of overthinking to a realm where authenticity rules.

A Call to Action: Just Do It

Perhaps the most compelling message Miranda conveys is a simple yet profound call to action: Just do it. Whether it’s starting a podcast, writing a book, or launching a new venture, she beckons her listeners to push past their doubts, embrace the chaos, and start their journey.

Miranda’s story serves as a potent reminder that while the journey may be fraught with uncertainties, the first step is often the most transformative. She wraps up her episode with a flourish of encouragement: put on those pants, fluff your hair, and take that leap.

Conclusion: A Transformative Journey Begins

With “Own Your Awesome,” Miranda Von Frickin invites us all to embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery, professional growth, and unwavering faith. Her debut episode is both an introduction and a promise—a promise of authenticity, wisdom, and, above all, the celebration of each person’s unique awesomeness. As she continues to explore the nuances of life and career through her podcast, one thing is certain: Miranda’s voice will be a guiding light for many to own their awesome.



Miranda [00:00:01]:
Hello. Hello. Welcome to own your awesome. I’m your host, Miranda Von Frickin, and, boy, am I excited to be here. I cannot believe what it actually took to get me to hit this record button. I’m gonna dive into all the details, the good, the bad, the ugly, and, of course, the awesome, and I can’t wait to take you on this journey with me. Hello. Hello.

Miranda [00:00:21]:
Today is March 15, 2023. It’s a little afternoon here in upstate New York, and I am pressing record for the first time in what seems to be forever. But I have had this calling on my heart to start a podcast for years. It has been on my whiteboard as a project for I could I mean, literally years. So today, I just wanna say hello, welcome you to the own your awesome podcast, share a little about me, what got me here, my goals and intention for our time together, and, of course, talk a little bit about all the awesomeness that you’re gonna learn when listening in. So today, I just wanna kind of give you a recap. Right? What happened actually, let’s talk about what got me here. It is Monday morning well, afternoon, I guess.

Miranda [00:01:14]:
And I literally had something go down on Friday, just 2 full days ago, that told me today is the day that I have to do this. So although it’s been on my heart for quite some time and you probably listen to other podcasts that sound more professional, more put together, and they probably did some prep. I literally started mine 2 hours ago. I just went on RSS. I did all the tech stuff. I created the cover through Canva, and here I am recording, the voice memos the voice notes on my iPhone. I literally had to search for the voice notes because I didn’t even know where they were. Apparently, it’s easier than I thought to start a podcast.

Miranda [00:01:55]:
And those of you who know me, yes, I did have a podcast in the past with my biz bestie called Biz Besties. There’s still some cool episodes out there for you to go binge listen to if you wanna learn a little bit more about me and how I roll. But for now, this is this is it. This is going to be the show going forward. It’s called Own Your Awesomeness. And the reason I chose this name, which is funny because so here’s what happened. Let let me back up a little. I think my excitement is getting ahead of me.

Miranda [00:02:24]:
Friday, I had booked an appointment to do my human design reading with Alison Cullen of You Do Woo. It’s a podcast. Check it out. It’s amazing. You Do WU. My my energy coach, my mindset girl, Jess Perillo, who find her as well, of course, she recommended I do a human design reading because I was starting to feel a little stuck in what I was doing in the day to day grind of managing LinkedIn pages, coaching women to be their most awesome selves, speaking on stages, and more. Now I love everything I just mentioned. There’s nothing I would change.

Miranda [00:03:00]:
However, it starts to feel like Groundhog Day, right, if we don’t actually spice it up a little bit. And I have had book, podcast, hiring a VA, and online course on my big project to do list for forever. I already hired a VA. Super pumped. Yeah, Jackie. Whoop whoop. And things are really moving and shaking in that direction. So I said to myself, what’s next? And I thought it was the book.

Miranda [00:03:24]:
And let’s be honest, I’m still writing the book. It is the book. I still love this book. I cannot wait to bring it to you. But then I had my human design reading with Allison and she said, the book isn’t next. It’s actually a podcast. And I was, like, what? Tell me that one more time, girl. She’s, like, not only is it next, but it’s actually Monday.

Miranda [00:03:48]:
I was, like, girl, you crazy. I paid you through how much money for you to tell me that that that you’re crazy? It was wonderful. So she was not crazy. She was spot on and I couldn’t be more happy. I tagged her on Instagram and I’m shouting her out. So thank you so much, Allison of You Do Woo, for making this happen. It’s funny. In the corporate space, I absolutely hated being micromanaged and told what to do and given deadlines, but for some reason, in the entrepreneurial world, I thrive on it.

Miranda [00:04:19]:
So that’s something we’ll talk about in another episode. But for now, it’s Monday, and here’s the show. So let’s dive into all the hows, the whys, and the Arya Kittens that had to go into me creating this episode today. I put pants on so that was really, a big step for me. I work from home as some of you may figure and putting on pants, well, sometimes is a big feat. So I put on some pants, I fluffed my hair, and I’m literally going to pick up my kid from school in the next 15 minutes. But that doesn’t mean that this episode has not been on my heart and the words that are coming out are not genuine. This just means that there’s a lot of crap in our head that is holding us back from doing the thing.

Miranda [00:05:07]:
Ladies, if there is something on your heart, just put on pants, fluff your hair, and do the thing. Just do it already because, honestly, it does not take as much as you think. I told you the 2 seconds of tech that it took for me to get this podcast together. Here’s hoping I learn how to upload it and then it comes to you. There’ll be no music. There’ll be nothing sexy in the beginning. This is just a welcome, a hello, and just the the preface to what’s about to become one of the most awesome podcasts that you have on your playlist. So just to keep this short and sweet, thank you so much for listening.

Miranda [00:05:42]:
I’m Miranda Von Frickin. The rabbit hole I went down was a little bit of Googling, one coaching session with a strategist on human design, and I just set my intentions, which I’ll share with you now actually before I go. So my intentions for this podcast, honestly, is to dive into all the awesomeness that is life, the ups and downs, business, entrepreneurship, sometimes careers because I am a former career coach, so I may mix in a little bit of that into the mix as well. Me, personally, my story going from wanna be CEO to legit me e o, crazy faith, everything that has to do with faith in my life, in my business, some of the shows that I have on LinkedIn that you’re invited to, of course. We’ll talk a little bit about money because apparently, in my human design reading, it’s one of my gifts. I do love me some money. We’re definitely gonna dive into LinkedIn, personal branding, and, of course, owning your awesome. What does it mean to own your awesome? Stay tuned to find out.

Miranda VonFricken
Miranda VonFricken; Founder of Own Your Awesome!â„¢ A podcast, best-selling book, and global movement attracting and expanding women at work, at home, and online!

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