What Does it Mean to Own Your Awesome? – Episode 2
Hello, hello, and welcome to another episode of Own Your Awesome! I'm your host, Miranda Von Fricken, and today we're diving deep into what it really means to "own your awesome." In our last episode, we set the stage for…

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In the fast-paced world we live in, true self-discovery and embracing our uniqueness can often be sidelined by the daily grind. This week on “Own Your Awesome,” Miranda Von Frickin delves deep into what it means to truly own your awesome—knowing it, claiming it, and living it out loud.

Understanding the Essence of Owning Your Awesome

What Does It Mean to Own Your Awesome?

Owning your awesome is about embracing who you are unapologetically and living in alignment with your true self. It’s not merely about recognizing your strengths and qualities; it’s about owning them confidently and allowing them to shine in every aspect of your life. As Miranda points out, the awesome is different for everyone, just like a hot pink tutu in a corporate environment—it’s unique, vibrant, and unmistakably you.

The Power of Awareness

Awareness: The Starting Point

Embarking on the journey to own your awesome begins with self-awareness. Self-awareness is about being curious, open, and observant of your feelings, actions, beliefs, and core values. According to Miranda, awareness isn’t just about the skills you possess but more about understanding what drives you and what makes you happy. It’s being honest with yourself about your passions and true inclinations.

Deep Reflection and Soul-Searching

For many, achieving self-awareness requires deep reflection and soul-searching. Miranda advocates for meditation and prayer as powerful tools to bring clarity. She emphasizes asking yourself profound questions such as, “Why do I do what I do?” and the ultimate curious query, “If I had no worries and no stress, what would I do with the life I’ve been given?” These questions encourage you to look beyond the superficial and identify what truly matters.

Evaluating Skills and Talents

Knowing Your Unique Value Proposition (UVP)

Understanding your skills and talents is key to owning your awesome. Miranda introduces the concept of UVP (unique value proposition) from the realms of personal branding and sales. Your UVP is what sets you apart—it’s the blend of skills, talents, and qualities that you bring to the table that no one else can replicate. This could be a niche skill or a combination of abilities that create a unique impact, much like Miranda’s colorful analogy of spaghetti tacos.

Asking the Right Questions

Miranda suggests asking both logistical and introspective questions to identify your UVP. Logistical questions might include:
– What are my skills?
– What am I actually good at?
– What do people come to me for?

Introspective questions could involve:
– What are my core values?
– What are my habits and beliefs?
– What do I love or dislike doing?

From Knowing to Owning

Transitioning from Knowledge to Ownership

Many people know their talents and strengths but struggle to own them fully. Miranda shares her journey of transitioning from simply knowing her awesome to owning it. After dabbling in various roles such as human resources and talent leadership, it was only a few years ago that she fully embraced her calling. By owning her contagious energy and deeply rooted faith, she transformed her career into a thriving entrepreneurship.

The Pain of Inaction

Miranda poignantly touches on the pain of knowing but not owning one’s awesome. This inaction can lead to dissatisfaction and unrealized potential. It’s an acknowledgment of the inner conflict many people face—being aware of their capabilities but hesitating to take action. She encourages her listeners to take the leap and own their awesome for a more fulfilling and impactful life.

The Journey Ahead

The Lifelong Path of Ownership

Owning your awesome isn’t a one-time activity; it’s a lifelong journey. Miranda emphasizes the need for continuous self-reflection, growth, and courage. By consistently evaluating and embracing what makes you unique, you can live a more authentic and joyful life.

Final Thoughts

Embrace Your Awesome Today

In closing, Miranda’s powerful message resonates: every individual has an awesome within them waiting to be discovered and embraced. Whether you are already aware of it or still on the path of discovery, take inspiration from Miranda’s journey. Embrace who you are, own it boldly, and let your light shine in this world.

Join us next week on “Own Your Awesome” as we explore more inspiring topics to help you live a life of fulfillment and purpose. Until then, keep owning your awesome!

Connect with Miranda Von Frickin on LinkedIn or Instagram for daily inspiration and resources to live the life you’re truly called to.



Miranda [00:00:01]:
Hello. Hello. And welcome to Own Your Awesome. I’m your host, Miranda Von Frickin, and I am pumped that you’re here again. Let’s set the foundation for the show and our time together. Last week, I shared all the things we were going to dive into here, like faith, life, business and career, LinkedIn and personal branding, and all of its ups and downs that go into this journey towards owning our awesome. I asked you a very important question at the end of our last episode together, and I hope that you took some time to consider the answer. What does it mean to own your awesome? Well, just like a hot pink tutu in a corporate environment, it looks different on everyone.

Miranda [00:00:48]:
We hear words like unapologetic, authentic, bold, passionate, confident, and unfiltered. I love every single one of those words, but I’d also like to include words like faith filled, secure, knowing, free, and my personal favorite called. To own exactly who you are is all of these things. And you’re awesome? Well, that’s unique to you. For me, it’s my unwavering optimism, my contagious energy, my deeply rooted faith in sassy, vibrant ways I express myself, whether it’s on LinkedIn, Instagram, on stage, or here with you. So let’s break down the 2 main things here, owning and you’re awesome. To own something means that you, first of all, agree with it. You admit to it.

Miranda [00:01:41]:
You claim it as your own, and you essentially know its power and physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually lay claim to who you are, to the thing that you’re owning or that feeling. It has power. You have mastery over whatever it is that you’re owning, and today, we’re owning our awesome. So let’s talk about awesome. Well, it starts with awareness. Now this could be a whole another episode, but I’m gonna see what I can do here. So to essentially know you’re awesome starts with self awareness. We have to be curious, open, observant of our feelings and actions, beliefs, core values.

Miranda [00:02:29]:
Sometimes meditation and prayer can bring you to those answers. I know it does for me. You have to ask yourself some really great questions, like, besides what do I do? Right? Bigger questions like, why do I do what I do? Is this what I’m meant to do? Or my favorite, if I won the Mega Millions tomorrow, what would I actually be doing? That answer typically involves some deep search, right, beyond the pay off my bills and tithe and donate to all the places and maybe buy a new car. I think the deeper question is not only what would I do if I won the Mega Millions, but if I had no worries and no stress and no real burdens, what would I do with the life I’ve been given? Right? So that is to be is to be super curious, to know who you are, to be very aware. What do you love? What don’t you love doing? Right? So meditate and pray on those really great questions, and then ask yourself some other really, like, logistical ones, like, what are my skills? What am I actually good at? What are my talents? What do people say I’m really good at? What do they come to me for? What kind of questions do people ask of me knowing or assuming I have the solution? So some of those logistical questions about our skills, those hard skills, and then some of the really deeper ones that we ask ourselves about our feelings, actions, habits, values, and beliefs. Your awesome is different from everyone else’s. In personal branding and sales, we call it your UVP or unique value proposition. What do you bring to the table that’s different from everyone else? It could be one thing, like a niche skill, or it could be a combination of things that’s really rare to see, like spaghetti tacos.

Miranda [00:04:27]:
Separate, they’re pretty tasty. Who doesn’t love spaghetti and who doesn’t love tacos? But together, bam, taste bloods, explosion, unique, and awesome. So what is your awesome? If you don’t know it yet, that’s okay. Don’t stress. Everyone has it. You just need some time and maybe some guidance to find it. If you already know, fantastic. But the question then becomes, are you truly owning it? I ask this because I’ve been in that place of knowing but not owning.

Miranda [00:05:01]:
And boy, does that hurt. Helping women to get specific and to get to that place of not only knowing, but owning, that’s my calling. I dabbled for years acting it out in human resources as a talent leader, a career director, and speaker. But it wasn’t until more recently, say about 3 or so years ago, that I truly started to own it, to own my awesome. I’m still a speaker. I’m still coaching amazing women in life and entrepreneurship, But now I’m kicking it up a notch, lighting it on fire as I bring this show, own your awesome, to life. So no more thinking awesome. Now I own it, and you can too.

Miranda [00:05:45]:
What’s been on your heart that you’re not owning? I bet if you did, it would be awesome. Thank you for joining me this second episode of Own Your Awesome. I’m your host, Miranda Von Frickin, speaker, trainer, and coach for organizations and individuals looking to increase results by owning their awesome. Mine is on LinkedIn, personal branding and self leadership. If you or your team could use a boost in awesome, DM me on LinkedIn or Instagram, or visit me at Miranda von Frickin.com for more. Until next time. Keep owning your awesome.

Miranda VonFricken
Miranda VonFricken; Founder of Own Your Awesome!â„¢ A podcast, best-selling book, and global movement attracting and expanding women at work, at home, and online!

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